Tasks 3-4. Genre of Song & Target Audience

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You can only complete the next preproduction tasks once you have decided what track you are going to be creating a video for...

There is a criteria here it is...
  • The track should be approximately 3 minutes long 
  • The track should be appropriate in content 
  • Try to choose a track that doesn’t already have a music video – therefore a B-side or an album track (or an old song) might be easier

Task Three - Genre of Song

Now that you know what track you are making a video for you need to look at other videos that are out there for similar sounding music.

You also need to see what videos are out there by the same band that you are making a video for.

This is where you walk a fine line. Your video should really fit in with the current trends and styles of the day – but should also be creative.

At the same time it would be unacceptable to copy the ideas from an existing music video.

Task Four – Target Audience

Define your typical audience using the following forms of categorization, use the links below to remind you of how to use these categories:

A lot of this will be based on the genre of the track and possibly its lyrical content however:

REMEMBER: Promos may have more than one audience!

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