2. a) Name two theories which are associated with the effects debate 
    b) Explain with examples
Two theories which relate to the effects debate are The Hypodermic Syringe Model which is a short term effect theory, and The Inoculation Model, also knows as The Desensitisation Model which is a long term effect theory. In the The Hypodermic Syringe Model the audience receive an 'injection' of a media text, being negative or positive. This injection stimulates a response from the audience. For example if the media text an audience member consumed was negative like a horror movie, the audience member would then act upon this and commit a heinous crime. So if the audience member consumed a positive media text, for example something heroic, they'd go out and replicate this. For example, the film The matrix apparently caused school shootings in america. The desensitization model basically means that if you see something shocking enough times it wont shock you anymore, for example with all the terror attacks on the news when another one happens and is reported it isn't as shocking as the first time as it is sort of expexted.

3. With reference to examples, explain the differences between ‘active’ and ‘passive’ audience reception.
The term 'Active' basically means making your own choice and having a free will in things like how a media text will effect us. The term 'Passive' describes an audience member that is easily manipulated, weak, zombie like, controlled and dominated. This means they can be manipulated to see the preferred reading of a text. 

4. How far do you think that violence on television causes violent behaviour?
I don't think that violence on TV is the soul cause for violent behaviour, however, it does have a slight affect.
There was alot more violence before TV was even invented, so the argument that without videogames or TV then people would be 'civilized' is clearly wrong. However, i do believe that shows such as WWE can promote violence in children

5. Are active audience theories more acceptable than passive audience theories? Give reasons for your answers.
In my opinion, yes. It is ridiculous to constantly perceive someone as a 'zombie' and that everyone is easy to 'brainwash' with the medias ideas. Of course there are some people who will be easily swayed, but the majority of people will be intelligent enough to question texts and have their own opinion on them

6. Choose a media text which you particularly like and apply the ‘Uses and Gratifications’ theory to explain why you enjoy it so much.
The media text which i like is 'melophobia' the new Cage the elephant album.
I have been a fan of the band for a while and their previous two albums are among my favorites. What keeps me listening is the fact that i can listen to a song weather it be 'in one ear' off the first album or 'cigarette daydreams' off melophobia and be able to relate to the lyrics. Another thing that keeps me wanting to hear their new tracks is that their albums are never the same, they're always very different stylistically but you can always tell that its them, its asif they have a hidden signature on everything they do, especially with this album as it was critiqued as something very different to their previous albums which made me want to hear it.

7. Find an advertisement online, in a magazine or in a newspaper.
http://youtu.be/S-uVc13oDBI  (embeding blocked) (lynx-Billions advert)
a) Write down what the Preferred reading would be. 
When you use lynx, billions of attractive women will run at you and be attracted to you.
b) Make suggestions for an Oppositional reading of the advert.
When you use lynx deoderant, you will smell more attractive to women, however you will not suddenly become physically more attractive and billions of women will not run at you.

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