Slumdog Millionaire - Internet

As Slumdog Millionaire very nearly didnt see its release and a lot of the word was spread about the movie using the internet, specifically social networking and viral marketing.

Although not as active as it was during the release of the movie Slumdog Millionaire has a Facebook page with millions of likes that was used to create a buzz for the movie, Facebook also shoes you what things your friends and liking meaning that even more people will have seen it just because they know that their friends are interested in it. This page engages the audience by asking them questions about the movie and answering any questions they may have. The page was also used to upload trailers and teaser photos to spark audience interest as well as behind the scenes photos from shooting, this helps create a buzz as the audience can like the page and be updated on their feed when new things are uploaded and can have a sort of contact with the movie.

The Facebook page also holds all the basic information about the movie like its genre, stars, director and basic plot line as well as links to other pages about the movie where the audience can find out more information and see more pictures and behind the scenes content. It also has links to other social networking sites like Twitter where you can find some of the main cast members like Dev Patel and the director Danny Boyle, this is helpful to audiences as many people enjoy learning about those involved in a film.

The use of the internet also helped to give the film global appeal as all the major companies like Amazon and I Tunes offer the movie and its soundtrack regardless of location meaning that the film was able to reach many more people than if it was just released in cinemas and on DVD. To get the word about the movie out even more there were also many ads and widgets places on hundreds of websites to help spark audience interest, these techniques obviously worked as the film became a critically acclaimed box office hit grossing over $377 million.

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