Ben10 is a cartoon series, shown on the Cartoon Network channel. This channel, along with the cartoons it broadcasts are aimed at mainly children (between roughly 3-13) or families with younger children. Groups such as the Mainstream etc. would go into this. The show is about a boy called Ben Tennyson, finding a watch (the Omnitrix) which enables him to turn into different Alien species, each with their own abilities. Then, with the help of his Grandpa and cousin Gwen, find themselves constantly ‘locking horns’ with various evil forces and attempting to save the world, whilst keeping his identity secret.

Apart from the age-range target, I would say that in relation to the 4C’s model I am most like a Reformer, whose main need is for enlightenment, people with this type are normally seen to be unmoved emotionally and intellectually by trash/’youthful’ media texts and Ben10 could be classed as a ‘youth’ show with many soft-action sequences, visual stimulation, silly humour and not-too-complicated storylines.

I think I take it for its preferred reading. Whilst it has its action sequences and animated explosions etc. the messages it creates are positive and whilst not maybe targeted at me are still good to see. Ideologies such as ‘anyone can be a hero’ are sewn throughout the storylines and everything the show is based around.

I find the slight and well-blended mix of soft-action, humour and drama are appealing to me as something to watch for a more gentle experience, when trying to unwind/relax. The messages shown throughout make me think and reward me with an understanding of morality. As a sci-fi genre fan in general, the alien aspect of this show is what will appeal to me more personally, as the ideas of aliens, technology and ‘other worlds’ are strong interest points of mine.

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