homework update

5. the active audience has more acceptable theories than the pasive audience theories. The active audience theories takes into account that everybody's different and offers them the opportunity to make their own judgements and opinions on any type of media texts.Active audience members are also a lot more responsive to texts than passive audiences. Passive audiences are often controlled and are treated like 'sheep' or 'zombies'. 7.iv'e chosen the stoptober advert as it is played often this month. In the advert the people appear happy and hugging other, suggesting this advert is a prefered reading for those who have smokers in their family. The advert presents itself to be heartwarming. Some smokers who do not intend to stop smoking will take an oppostional reading to this advert, they could feel ashamed that the advert is telling them smoking is wrong, and may not like being told what to do by the media.

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