Week 3 -

The Inbetweeners movie.

The Status and Income Model:
I would place the audience of the Inbetweeners movie in the E (People at lowest level of income) category.
I think this is suitable because the majority of people in this category are students, I believe this film is very relatable for students because the characters in the film are of a similar age. This means some of the situations and obstacles they face may be alike to those of the audiences life, this is the reason the main target audience of the film is for teenagers. (although I don't know if a lot people have really poo'ed themselves in an exam). This movie has a wide audience range so, as well as Students this movie is also viewed by many others, like casual workers or unemployed people. Although, I don't believe that this movie is suited for the A (Upper middle class) group. This is because of the immature and rude humor that it involves.

The Lifestyle categories:
The people from the Lifestyle Categories I think would be a suitable audience are the Dropouts and Groupies. Dropouts are a suitable audience for this film because it is very easy to watch ad the story line isn't very addictive because of the film's humerus nature. In the film the characters' well being isn't on the minds of the audience, as it is just a comedic film, the characters aren't as important to the audience rather than a film from the Adventure genre. Groupies are suitable for the audience of this film because the film is funny, some of the scene can be talked about in social events, this creates discussion and generally lightens the mood up in conversations. Retelling some of the funny highlights in the film usually provides laughter as people reminisce their thoughts.

Young and Rubicam's 4Cs Model:
The Mainstream would be the majority of the audience of this media text, I think this is because The Inbetweeners Movie is an enjoyable film for older members of families to watch together. Probably not suitable for children though. The Mainstream can watch the film, relate to some of the more realistic situations. And cringe at some of the awkward situations the 4 characters get in to.

The Uses and Gratifications Model:
I think that the reason the majority of the audience watch The Inbetweeners Movie is for Entertainment, Personal Identity and Social Interaction.

The Entertainment purposes is covered by the immature humor and banter that goes on withing the friendship. With funny and dramatic events happening throughout of the film, a sense of humor is created for the audience. A personal Identity is formed during an awkward scene that is formed, this makes the audience think back to see if they have ever done anything as embarrassing.

Also the character group is very stereotypical, and makes the audience relate others to the members of the group. There's the tall and dopey one, the normal one, the dirty one and the nerdy one. Some of the characters can be relatable to the audiences school life and their group of friendly, creating a sense of personal identity. This film also creates discussion points during social interactions, mentioning this film in a conversation usually strikes up a big "remember when.." fight among the group.

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