Social Realist films mainly focus on topical issues alive in modern society which is represented by different ideologies. Themes are often looked into such as money, drugs, prostitution and sex which all can be seen as controversial/tyboo subjects. Seemingly, modern contemporary social realist films also look into the difference in class and political views.
This Is England undoubtedly falls under the genre of social realism.The use of lesser known and untrained actors is a typical convention of a social realist film, furthermore making it more realist and relateable to the audience watching. In fact, this was a debut feature for many of the actors, including male lead Thomas Turgoose. Most social realism films also depict a 'coming of age' story usually shown through the eyes of a younger male lead, likewise to Shaun in This is England . Many actors used for the film where not of a high status in the industry and many depict the same lives to their characters in the movie. For example, Turgoose (Shaun) before filming had been expelled from many schools, grew up in a working class background and even demanding £5 to turn up to the audition, therefore already showing likeness to his character. The genre of social realism is also contributed by the mise en scene of the film which accurately and cleverly shows the lives of the working class during the 80's. This is England can somewhat be a true representation of British working class at this time. One of the very first scenes of the movie shows Shaun running through the streets on his way to school. The mise of scene of terraced house and what seems like a deprived council estate community makes the movie more relastic and also provides a sense of nostalgia to people who grew up during the 80's. Likewise to many other social realist films, This is England shows the story of an individual character furthermore demonstrating a connection between them and the wider community, which again is conventional of the social realism genre.
Many social realist films often have a more realistic view of peoples lives, rather than glamorizing settings, clothing and their lifestyle. Seemingly, social realist films give a sense of grittiness and brutality often representing the back stories of the characters. I feel this gives the character a three dimensional feel.
This is England's director, Shane Meadows use of editing and filming is completely conventional of the social realism genre filming on existing locations therefore giving the effect of a documentary style. Along with the use of improvisation the audience feel a sense of reality rather than a fabricated version of events. As a viewer we are also made to feel like we are actually involved in the scene, looking in on the action unfolding. The use of over exposed lighting reinforces the sense of realism, scenes are often unrehearsed and the events are happening at the time. Functional qualities of the film include the relevance of topics discussed in the script. Themes such as racism, death and politics which may be seen as controversial are openly discussed potentially opening up extreme opinions of the audience. Shane Meadows similarly to the work of social realist director Ken Loach uses a naturalistic style of film making the audience sympathize for the characters. Shane Meadows can also be seen as a collaborative film maker often working with the same actors and crew.
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