Newspaper Analysis

Tabloid: Daily Mail 
Today's Daily Mail newspaper's main headline reads 'BRITAIN CHOKES ON TOXIC SMOG'. The headline is particularly emotive as it uses the verb 'chokes' to convey that we are all slowly being killed by it. The headline also uses a serif font in capital letters to catch the audiences eye. The font is also extremely large to make sure that it's the first thing that the audience notice when they look at the newspaper first time. Even the headline complies with the rule of thirds as it in positioned in the centre to draw the audiences eye straight to that story. Because of this I believe that the Daily Mail's target audience from the 4C's theory is the Mainstreamers. I think this because the Mainstreamers main concern is security. The Daily Mail provides them with security as it is telling them news that will ultimately affect them and their family. According to my research the main readership of the Daily Mail is women from  45+ in low middle class jobs. The front page of todays Daily Mail supports this information as not only does the main headline provide them with vital information about their country, which in turn offers them information and personal identity from the Uses and Gratifications model, but it also provides them with information about celebrities, such as The Royal Family. Also the headline under the masthead reads 'FREE Grand National sweepstake kit inside' 

For this specific newspaper from the Daily Mail I think that they were aiming to sell the story of 'BRITAIN CHOKES ON TOXIC SMOG' through their use of proximity. The way they use the word 'britain' shows the audience that it's happening where they live and they could be in danger from it. The use of the word 'toxic' also triggers the negativity value as again it could be dangerous to British citizens. The other major news story on the front cover reads "Cressida's family and a summit 'on engagement to Harry". This story uses the elite persons value to catch the audiences attention because the mail thinks that's how they are going to sell the newspaper. As the newspaper is also a tabloid their target audience is more working class people so they tend to feature elite persons stories as they believe that's what they want to read about. That being said the elite persons that are featured are from the royal family though which makes them a different type of celebrity. Since Princess Diana the royal family have been seen as more of celebrity figures and less as the monarchy. 

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