Research and analysis of a specific genre of TV show|Reality Mission

Typical examples of the genre:
-Extreme makeover: Home edition
-Extreme makeover 
-60 minute makeover
-The Swan 
-Supersize VS Superskinny
-Wife Swap

Opening Sequence 
The opening sequences of Reality Mission TV programmes usually contain a brief synopsis of what happens in the episode through a series of short clips composed into a montage. The opening shows the subject/s that they are going to help or improve and how they're going to achieve the finishing product. It also gives us a teaser of the finishing product in the form of the audience/families reaction to said product. The opening sequences of Reality Mission shows are usually very light-heartened and fun, as the shows aren't serious.


Normally Reality Mission programmes are not ran in a series as every episode is with a different person/family. Older episodes are usually broadcasted early in the morning and late in the night so's to take up airing time. Newer episodes however are broadcasted in the afternoon around 2 or 3 as this is around the time children get home from school and the target audience for these shows is women. The typical format of these shows is that there is a plea from a family or person to the producers of the show showing how unhappy they are and telling their sob story. Then the producers spend 10 minutes introducing the people to the presenters and make sure they get good footage of them crying. The rest of the show is them helping to improve either a person, a family or their material goods (i.e their house).

I think people enjoy watching these programmes for personal gratification. As all the people in the shows are going through a crisis it makes the audience feel better about themselves and their lives. Also the shows are just light hearted entertainment which makes them easy to watch and ultimately just for amusement the amusement of the viewer.

Target Audience:
I believe that the target audience for Reality Mission programmes are women in from 25  upwards who have children and a family. I think this because they are usually aired around 2 or 3 o'clock which is around the time their children return from school. Obviously this doesn't apply to every woman as working class woman are more likely to watch them and enjoy them. 

As the genre of Reality Mission can stretch over a few different subgenres such as makeover shows, home makeover and self improvement then I am going to just choose the subgenre of self improvement to focus on. There are lots of self improvement programmes on the TV because audiences enjoy watching peoples struggle to help themselves. A few examples of programmes from this subgenre are The Biggest Loser, Extreme Makeover, Supersize VS Superskinny, The Swan and Queer Eye for a straight guy. They all contain both studio and on location shots which makes the production value of the shows quite high. The shows also pay for all the work to be done to the chosen subject. In the more extreme self improvement shows such as The Swan they even pay for a dentist, a coach, a therapist, a cosmetic surgeon and a trainer for them. This means that they have to shoot in separate locations to follow the subject to their various 'mentors'. This can definitely be costly but they make their money back. Normally at the start of each of these programmes they pick the subject they are going to transform and go to their house to 'surprise them'. Obviously this is always pre scheduled as it is expensive to bring a camera crew and the presenter to a location if they are unsure they will be in the house at the specific time. 

Technical Codes
In Reality Mission shows they usually use quite similar and amateur camera angles and shots as the shows are being praised more on their content than technical codes. They usually use close ups and mid-shots when viewing the people they are helping as they want the audience to feel closer to them and relate to them on an emotional level. Also they use quite average editing, like normal cuts that aren't too faced paced or slow. They shots are on average 10-15 seconds long because they don't need to use multiple shots. The only fast paced editing used will be on the reveal when they need to show the finished product and the reactions of the families. They don't often use non-diegetic sound but on occasion, like again when they reveal the finished product, they'll use a popular song at the time of filming to engage with the audience. 

Characters & Representations 

Ty Pennington from Extreme Makeovers: Home Edition is a perfect example of a presenter from Reality Mission TV programmes. He is very excitable and loud, which is perfect to get people excited for doing work. He is also kind so when he meets the families for the first time he is compassionate to their lifestyles, making the audience feel sad as well.

Jo Frost from Supernanny is also a good example of a Reality Mission archetype because she is a rounded character. In every episode she begins with being very strict to gain the children's respect then she becomes more of a mother-like figure to show the parents how to gain control of their children. 

Reality Mission programmes tend to follow the same narrative every episode as it is conventional of the genre. Even though different sub-genres of the Reality Mission shows such as makeover, self improvement and home makeover follow different narratives they all have a similar outcome, the subject will be changed or improved. The narrative structures are usually easy to understand and follow which means that you don't need to watch the show from the start to understand what is happening. This is good as the shows are usually broadcasted in the afternoon when people are doing things and not taking much notice of the television. The typical format the shows follow is that there is firstly a message from a family or person begging the show to help them as they are in dire need of help. The presenter then goes and joins the family/person in their house and explains that they are going to be on the show. This takes up the first 15 minutes of the show as they use shots of them crying with excitement.The next portion of the show is getting on with the job of helping the subject, whether that is a house which needs to be renovating or a person who needs to be made over. This lasts for half an hour as it is the most important part. The last part of the show is the exhibition of the subject. The producers use restricted narrative during this part to place the audience in the position of the family, whether they are revealing a member of the family or their house. Reality Mission programmes are supposed to be made to reflect everyday life and put the audience in the shoes of the people the show are helping. 

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