Event representation London summer riots 2011

dailymail article riots2011 Londoners-offer-help-clean-rioters-mess.html

The newspaper text shows the people of the London community standing together as a community showing not every person was involved in the looting of London. Involves the images of the helpers picturing everyone in higher spirits shows the riots as a reversible thing not causing too much damage.
opening the article with 'They came armed with brooms and the odd wheelbarrow.
Where youths had roamed the streets with bricks and bats just hours earlier, a new army had appeared.' Showing the contrast between the event where rioters would have been armed with weapons the people now armed with cleaning tools to clear up the damage. Saying that youths were the ones responsible for the damage an army of rioters attacking London almost stereotypical to presume mostly or only youths were involved. Talks about the social movement for the cleanup using mediation doesn't show any images of the actual riots happening only the cleanup and some damage including burning cars. The titles of the news article being '#RiotWombles on the march: 200 rioters caused this mayhem...500 offer help to clean up mess' the use of the hash tag shows the social movement and trending and giving the statics o=numbers to show the volunteers outnumber the rioters and giving the idea the event was uncontrollable being mayhem. Showing that London cannot be affected by the efforts of the looters and so called hooligans and that the clean up will remove this as a community. 

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