Tucker & Dale sticks three fingers up at movie redneck cliches

''Perhaps it was because the broom of political correctness had swept away other easy targets for movie xenophobia – African-Americans, Jews, women, Asians, etc – but rednecks now stand alone as the social group it's still OK to hate, and boy are we still hating them.''-Due to society deeming other races and culture acceptable to be represented in a more positive way than they were previously represented, society has now used Rednecks as a scapegoat to alienate. 

''but the film to really blame is Deliverance, John Boorman's galvanising tale of "city boys" connecting with nature in ways they didn't quite anticipate.''-Further evidence that Deliverance started the trend of Hillbilly Horrors.

''Deliverance set the template for generations of shifty, banjo-plucking, bum-raping mountain men, and Tucker and Dale are the relatively benign descendants of this worryingly slender family tree.''-Could society finally be easing off alienating Rednecks? 

''Yes, you got your scrapyard-dwelling nutjobs living on a diet of squirrels and crystal meth, but some of the characters actually cared about children, human life, even the law.''-Further evidence that the representation of Rednecks isn't as bad as it used to be, but aren't accepted as a normal part of society.


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