Armani advert analysis

The image shows David and Vicotria Beckham, two well known celebrities, advertising Amrmani underwear.
Both models are in their underwear, this creates a sexual and romantic tone, as well as advertising the product itself. As well as this, both models are very relaxed and laid back, making it seem more casual.
The advertising uses the rule of thirds by cocentrating our vision on both the models as well as the brand name and the name of the models, enforcing their influence on the audiences perception of the brand.

The image is grey scaled, adding to the romantic and sexual tone seen before. This is also made by the distorted shadows creating an emphasis on certain parts of the image. for examble Victoria Beckhams shadow is cast upon the undewear worn by David Beckham, the underwear is white, which contrasts with the shadow making the underwear stand out.

The shadows again in this advert gives the feel of a noire type film, these films would usually contain romance, once again reinforcing the fact that this is targeted at young couples. Another way in which this is shown is the fact that above the brand name it states a web address, this usally means that it is aimed at the more "tech savvy" consumers, mainly tennagers and young to middle age adults.
The shadows could also connotate a artistic type feel, making it look sophisticated and less "candid".

The fact that the two models represent romance and sexuality make it so it is aimed again at the age group stated above as they are the most sexually active groups of society.
Victoria Beckham is in the foreground of the image and David is in the back, this could connotate that this is more aimed at females than males, as they are stereotypically more interested in fashion.

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