
Defining and classifying an audience:


Mainstreamers are people from the largest group across the world within the 4Cs. The mainstreamers strive for security, it's is their main need in life; they're after familiarity.  They don't like to stand out from the crowd and would rather follow the social norm. A media text I think would appeal to mainstreamers would be 'Britain's got talent' because it's a popular show around Britain and a lot of people watch it therefore I believe that mainstreamers would watch it so that they fit in with what everyone else watches.

The succeeder

Succeeders are usually very organised and possess a good amount of self-confidence. They believe that they deserve the best so that is what they tend to seek for, their main need in life is for control. I think that the show 'The apprentice' would be what appeals most to succeeders because it focuses on success and gives tips on what skills you need to work in a job of control. It can also give the succeeder a chance to relate to those on the programme.


Explorers are the type of audience that strive for discovery and challenges , they're young in nature even if they're not in reality. They seek to be different and their main need in life is discovery. I think that a film explorers would enjoy would be 'inception' because it's a rather confusing movie that creates a lot of unanswered questions, I believe that explorers would be the type of audience that would enjoy the mystery behind this and aim to find answers and discover secret messages.

The aspirer

Appearance is an important quality to the aspirer, they respond to what people interpret as being superficial. Their core need in life is for status and they do this by making sure that their appearance, image, persona and fashion sense are always up to date. I believe that the media text 'Britain's Next Top Model' would appeal to aspirer a because the show is filled with fashion and attractive people which is what aspires are aiming for, it's basically about showing them what's a good look and what isn't.

I think these categories are rather useful at helping define audiences for the media, however, there would be many people that would fall into several of the seven categories. The categories would help the creators of a media text understand better what they need to attract the audience they're aiming for.

'The vampire diaries'
Gender: female
Age: 18
Family: Has a close relationship with both of her parents and is an only child
Class: E (unemployed but looking for part time work)
Education: finished college
Religion: Protestant
Political view: Likes to keep up with recent events

I think that for the TV programme 'the apprentice' the audiences of he lifestyle categories that are most likely to watch it would be 'cowboys', 'egoists' and 'innorators'. These people are most likely to watch it because these are all people that want the best for themselves in life and are after success.

(Took a while because the first time I didn't add my label)

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