Audience classification

Ryan Kelley

The Mainstream    



The people in this category would probably enjoy a film such as The Notebook. They would enjoy this as the film perpetuates social needs and belonging. The reason for this is that The Notebook as it entails a love story between a male and a female. As romantic relationships are a social need and give people a sense of belonging, this film would be appropriate.


The Aspirer


The Aspirers are a group of people who aim to be superficial and to be the ideal image portrayed by the media. For this reason they would be suited to TV shows like Project Runway. This show concentrates on modern fashion and features women who the media portray as “ideal”. This group would want to be like these women and for that reason would follow the show closely.


The Succeeder


This group are confident and have a strong goal orientation. For this reason they would probably want a media text that informs them of current affairs and of political issues. For this reason they would be well suited to a “highbrow” newspaper such as The Guardian. The reason for this is  that The Guardian is aimed at the more successful members of society, those which have high end jobs and a fair amount of money.



The Explorer


The explorer is a group in society that strives for the opposite than the mainstream. For this reason they would enjoy music that is not in the charts, for example a band such as Pantera. They are not mainstream and a different type of music that the mainstream usually would listen to. For this reason, they would be ideal for this media text.




B) I believe that this is an ideal way of defining audiences as it correctly identifies the features used by different groups in society. However many people fall into more than one category making it more difficult to classify the audience.



C) I think the average listener to Pantera would be a 25 year old man named Dave, he would be single with no kids and a more relaxed outlook on life than most people his age. He would be unemployed or with a part time menial job. He would enjoy drinking and partying among other things.


D) I think  



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