Classifying Audiences

A) The Mainstream:  For those who fall under the mainstream audience, their main need in life is for security. This doesn’t mean having locks and passwords on everything they own, but security to know that they are safe within society and that they fit in. The X Factor is a good example of this. I think this because a great deal of people talk about and it get high viewings. This has the biggest mainstream audience, making it the largest group across the 4C's across the world. The X Factor receives a large amount of media attention all year round, even when the show isn’t being aired. It appears in such media's as newspaper articles to social networking sites. Mainstream show are part of everyday life, these are also shows such as Big Brother and strictly come dancing.
The Succeeder: The succeeders are those who seek rewards and often try and find out the best because they feel that they deserve it. They tend to be very organised and set strong goals for themselves. I think a good example for this Dragons den because they come up with the ideas themselves, as they are enotupernor. The dragons decide whether they want to invest money in to the business. The judges have a high position of control over the contestants, which is the key need in life for the succeeder.
The Explorers: Explorers like challenging texts that test their minds in an unusual way. Shows that aren't popular appeal to them because they seek out difference. Explorer’s dont necessarily engage with texts about exploring or travel. For example I think a sci-fi film such as start wars would suit this audience as the story line is not feed to them.

The Aspirer: The Aspirer is looking for something to help them make themselves look and feel better. They want to be driven by other people’s perception of themselves and people’s opinion on them and how they look and feel about themselves.  The media text I would choose is Glamour magazine. The magazine has the latest fashion, run ways, hair and beauty tips and other related theme. This helps the aspirer to find a belonging and also help them with 'fitting in'. Reading this type of media help the aspirer feel good about themselves.
 B) I think these types of audience categories are helpful as they help divide society into groups where media can target them. But personally I dont think that there are 7 types of people in the world as we are all different types of people and have our own interest's.

C) The programme on the TV right now is Hollyokes

 Name- Sarah
 Age- 28
Family- single mother of 1 child
Self-image- Like to watch the soaps as it distracts her from her own life.

Class- E as she is unemployed
Nationality/ethnicity- white British
Education- high school education
Religion- Christian but not strong
Politics- doesn't care too much, but is thankful for the money she gets to support her family.
Location- UK
The reason I choose Sarah because it is mostly women that watch the soaps. Also I think that Hollyokes is aimed as younger audience then other soaps, that’s why she is around 28.

D)  For the X factor I would say the audience would be puritans, these are people who feel like they have done their duty. But the audience may also be cynics; these are people who always have something to complain about.  Dragons den are cowboys, these are people that want to make money quick and easy. Also innovators, may watch this as they want to leave there mark on the world. With Star Wars I think the audience would be rebels, as they want the world to fit in with their ideas of how it should be. Finally Glamour Magazine audience would be groupies, these a\re people who want to be accepted by those around them.

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