Classifying Audiences

The Mainstream - The majority, these seek security in life which they find by being part of a group more than being an individual. An example for these would be 'Britain's got talent' , firstly as this is a well known, trusted TV show that is popular across the country, everyone will be talking,watching etc about it which allows the mainstream to fit in with the majority, it is not only talked about in social groups but on other TV shows too discussing the show and its participants giving greater security.

The Succeeder - These people often seek better for themselves as they feel it is what they deserve. A TV show which would initially appeal to them is The Apprentice. These are individuals seeking a job at a high end business, the succeeder could possibly relate to the hard work these contestants must inevitably go through, to reach the top.

The Explorers - these seek different and perhaps unusual things, they want to personally discover a new experience, a suggestion for these could be Peep Show, a sitcom that is critically acclaimed yet unable to crack the mainstream due to its unusual style. An explorers key need is life is its need for discovery.

The Aspirer - An aspirer seeks materialistic things, peoples opinions of them are very important and it is of upmost importance that they are viewed in a positive light by others, they want to be attractive for example. A media text perfect for these is the fashion magazine Vogue. The magazine is all about being attractive and being shown in a positive image. The models are flawless in the magazines and the aspirer could feel they could relate to this.

I believe these categories can be helpful as some categories such as 'The Aspirer' and 'The Mainstream' . The Mainstream seek security and have no desire to stand out. Also 'The Aspirer' is a perfect description of the audience, however the aspirer could also fit into the mainstream due to their desire to be accepted.

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