Divergent Movie Review

The 2014 Movie 'Divergent' is an action/adventure film, featuring romance. It's based on a world divided by five fractions, based on virtues. The main Character, Tris (Shailene Woodley), is tested as Divergent, and so changes the plot to her destiny. When she discovers a conspiracy by a faction leader, she has to learn to trust in the fraction she has chosen, and even more so, trust in the mysterious 'Four' (Theo James) to discover why being Divergent can be so dangerous.

This movie is based from a book series, written by Veronica Roth, set in the so-called Divergent Universe, which features a post-apocalyptic version of Chicago. 'Divergent' is constantly being compared to 'The Hunger Games' due to the fact that they are both based around a young girl putting herself in a position to change the outcome of the future, with the theme of romance involved throughout. Although they are similar in ways, I wouldn't give Divergent the full 5 star rating. This is mainly because I think it's been compared to The Hunger Games so much, that it's not as thrilling to watch.

A variety of costumes are used through out the film, including different costumes to suit the settings. For example, each Fraction of the City has a different virtue, with their work space around them being themed. In more depth, the selfless side of the population wear less modern-styled clothing to the more intelligent side of the population. As the main character Tris enters the 'brave' side of the City, and pledges to protect the city from danger, her clothing goes from old rags, to black modernized clothing. These new outfits compliment the dark, edgy feeling to being on the dangerous side of the City. This theme of the outfits matching the scenery occurs throughout the film.

Personally, I couldn't find much to fault with this film. The main Actors of this film would be Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort, and Theo James. Together, they have won various Teen Choice awards, including Choice film. This is evidence that the audience of this film would be teenagers. I feel like the Actors and Actresses are important when it comes to a film like this one, mainly because they have to live up to the standards of how their characters are portrayed in the books.

I would recommend this film to any teenager, or anyone who's interested in action/adventure films, and maybe science fiction. The acting is excellent, and the costumes and settings compliment each other well, which I believe is a great indication of a well planned out film.

Star Rating: *****/5

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