Jack Scott: Media Diary

Jack Scott: Media Diary

Media review of "The Call"

I will be writing a review about a film I saw recently about a woman who works on a 911 hotline based in America, the film is called "The Call". The Call is directed by Brad Anderson and was realesed in 2013. The Call is a sub genre between crime and thriller and also a minor theme of romace, it has a lot of twists and turns in its freighting storyline which helps make it a suspense good solid worth seeing film.

I had seen the trailer for the film before hand but it gave very little on the film other than the fact that a girl is kidnapped and rings the hotline for help and that is how the protagonist played by Halle Berry is involved in the story, because she works on the hotline. So the fact the trailer gave me very little I didn't really know what to expect other than what it had revealed so I was on edge for a majority of the film. The main plot given away in the trailer is,  Halle Berry or Jordan Turner in the film is rung by Casey Welson played by Abigail Breslin a young panicked teenage girl who has been abducted by a crazed psychopath named Michael Foster who is played by Michael Eklund. Having previously been on the phone to a girl who was being abducted only Jordan Turner but when the call went wrong the girl was killed but now she has a second chance against a threat she has met before, only she has the skills and experience to prevent Aibigail Brelins fate and bring the psychopath to justice.

The film itself uses different scenes, shots and camera angles to disorientate and confuse the audience and keep them guessing until the very end.The chilling storyline about a psychopath who abducts teenage girls for a unknown reason helps add that extra bit of interest
and excitement.

I enjoyed the excitement and the edge of your seat feeling the film brings whilst you watch it and the fact that the actors used aren't the same old known actors and are different to the usual. I also enjoyed the fact that the film could have been full of blood and gory but the camera and editing worked together cleverly to cut out the real gory parts and left that to the imagination, it also does not use massive loads of CGI and special effects to get the main points across it just leaves the audience to decide for themselves. I loved the fact that the film is so intense and uses a unique storyline full of twists and turns and a surprise ending which helped make it unpredictable and actually quiet scary at times.

I do not have many negative points on the film other than the fact the ending maybe could have included more detail and gave away more information into what happened to the characters after the story had ended, also some minor parts of the film could have used better explanations into why and what actually happens to the characters.

Over all I really enjoyed the film and would recommended it, I would rate it 9/10 because over all it was very enjoyable and kept me on the edge of my seat and really freaked me out but some parts of the film could have used more information and better detail and clearer information. But over all it was a worth watching solid film that I thoroughly enjoyed.

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