Media Diary- Reviews

This is a review on the hit new film Fault In Our Stars directed by Josh Boone.

Fault In Our Stars is based on the book by John Green; Hazel and Gus
Are two teenagers who share an acerbic wit, a disclaim for the 
Conventional, and a love that sweeps them on a journey.
Their relationship is all the more miraculous given that Hazel's other
Constant companion is an oxygen tank, Gus jokes about his prosthetic leg,
And they met and fell in love at a cancer support group. Hazel is a teenage girl who
Has been living with cancer since she was 13 and constantly has to carry a oxygen tank
With her to help her breathe better, however, on the other hand, Gus has a 
Prosthetic leg as his actual one got amputated but the only reason he meets Hazel at the 
Support group is because he is there for his half blind friend Isaac as he is in need of support
Before another major surgery which leaves him completely blind and disrupts his love life.

The main characters are Hazel, Gus and Issac as the main focus is their friendship,
But there are also other characters that effect the story of the film, E.G: Frannie (Hazel's mum), Michael (Hazel's dad), Van Houten (Hazel's favourite author who she 
Despritally wants to meet), Lidewij (Van Houten's assistant), Dr. Maria (tells Hazel that she can't fly to Berlin until she is feeling better). All these different characters effect the story and the main characters lives in someway or another for example because Isaac becomes completely blind he relays on the assistance of his best friend Gus and Hazel's to help Gide him round and to also get over his ex girlfriend, also Frannie has a big impact on Hazel as she convinces her to keep going to the support group where she meets Gus and she also shows the audience how mothers in her postion act and feel towards their children.

The film covers a list of different themes such as love, friendship, loyalty, trust, dreams, hope and illness. As the film goes on you start to create a tenor with the characters 
As the story is very relatable to a lot of people's past or present expierences in life also it shows how teenagers feel about fitting in and finding love and dealing with heart break serious
Problems. The text is'nt the typical Hollywood blockbuster movie with special effects, it's actually quite simple and easy to context with and doesn't loose you in any situation and because the audience creates a tenor with the characters it makes them feel the same as the characters, also the cinematography has a big influence on how the audience feels
For example the main camera angles used are medium long shots and close ups which shows the diferent body languages and facial expressions the characters are using which then influences the audience to feel the same. For example: when Hazel and Gus
Meet for the first time on their way to the support group there is a medium long shot of them bumping into eachother and then imeditally goes to a close up of the two characters to show that their facial expressions towards bumping into eachother but also to 
Show that they think the other looks attractive and they both smile to try and be friendly to eachother since they just knocked into eachother. 

In conclusion i give this film a 5 star rating. In my opinion i like how the film is very relatable to the audiences life and i think that the actors did a brilliant job bringing the characters 
To life and making them seem relatable. I also like how they manage to use humour whilst still going back to the main serious point of living with cancer and how it affects everyone not just the person with it. Some of the pros of the film are that it teaches the audience about cancer and what life is like living with it or living with someone who has it and how they go about 
Dealing with diferent situations. It also in my opinion teaches the audience a life lesson that 
If you believe in your dreams and work hard at achieving them and have hope they might one day come true for example Hazel's dream of meeting Van Houten finally comes true but doesn't 
Turn out how she imagined it, furthermore it also gives the audience the message that
Life isn't worth wasting and you should live it to its fullest and have fun with the people you love. There isn't many cons to this text in my view the only bad thing is that in the end it's about teenagers dealing with massive decisions and problems whilst also juggling a normal
(As they can get it) social life and being happy and that even though the characters might
Be a little sarcastic at times there is still the seriousness of the diferent illnesses they all have.

Except for the very few cons overall the film is a most see of the year it will make you laugh, make you cry, make you rethink your life and make you realise how easy some people have it to others. In my personal opinion i think if you love soppy romantic drama films then this is the film for you!

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