Media Diary: Week 2

Friends is an American television sitcom created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman staring Courtney Cox (Monica), Jennifer Aniston (Rachel), David Schwimmer (Ross), Lisa Kudrow (Phoebe), Matt LeBlanc (Joey) and Matthew Perry (Chandler). It focuses around 6 close nit friends in their 20’s  who hang out at this coffee house (Central Perk), its about a time in your life when everything is possible, which can be really exciting and really scary. It all starts when Monica's high school friend Rachel re-enters her life and she sets off on a series of funny and entertaining events over 10 years of their life involving Monica's brother Ross, her ex-roommate Phoebe, and her next door neighbours Chandler & Joey. The show originally aired on NBC on September 22, 1994, to May 6, 2004 however now is aired on Comedy Central everyday at various times. Throughout the 10 series, we see the ups and downs of each of the six characters lives but in the end realise the only thing you really need is friendship, because when you’re young , single and in the city, your friends are your family.
(From Left to Right) Chandler, Rachel, Ross, Monica, Joey, Phoebe

I found out about this T.V. series through family and friends as it was one of their favourite programs that they would watch on the regular when it originally aired so ever since a young age it has been one of my favourite also. I am also reminded about this show through advertisement on T.V. and seeing the cast in various films throughout my lifetime. What attracted me to watch a few episodes of this series tonight was that the month of September is a special month for Friends and its fans especially this year it being the 20th Anniversary of its release.

I believe the initial target age group for this program was between age 16-34 when first aired. However in my opinion there is more than one target audience for this T.V. Sitcom. I say this as parents who loved the show in their 20s,30’s and even their teen years now sit down to watch the repeats with their children/teens just like mine do with me and still enjoy it. While others who were toddlers when it first aired have become hooked on the show just like their parents and Ross and Rachel’s will-they-won’t-they storyline, even though they know the outcome, as its relatable now at their age.

Although I am in the age group for the target audience of Friends, the show was aired 20 years ago meaning in a way I am a new kid of audience watching the show as it aired 4 years before I was even born. But to me that just shows how good the show is that even 20 years after its release people of all ages and all generations still find it entertaining and humours. There are obvious a load of reason why I love watching the show regularly but one reason is that I love that era. It was the era I was born and never really got to experience it fully. I love looking back and seeing all the fashion trends throughout the 10 years but also remembering some of the fashion trends I remember family members following. I also love watching Friends with my parents as each time I watch an episode in their company they almost always have a memory of watching it together on a Friday night while they were dating and continuing into their marriage. Or even having a couple of friends over who were also fans of the show to watch episodes with them and continuing to love it when I was at a young age. It brings them back happy memories and because of that helps me create memories also with my friends when I watch Friends with them. One thing everyone loves about friends, which will always be memorable, is the theme song. As soon as I hear it all I feel is happiness, it’s what the show is all about, friendship and the words “I’ll Be There For You” backs that up. 

Of course there will be people that won’t like friends for one reason or another, and personally i don’t understand why. I’ve heard people complain that some of the jokes can be inappropriate or the younger views and some saying they simply aren’t funny. In my opinion I believe that everyone should 100% watch Friends, as I have made clear throughout this Media Diary friends is for every generation. Whether you watch it to reminisce, to relate to the characters situations or to create memories it is a great feel good show and can teach us things which we never thought it could. I once read everything we watch and learn on Friends combined can make one big, beautiful thing, ‘Phoebe taught us that it’s okay to be a little crazy. Rachel taught us its okay to be a little materialistic as long as you’re a good person, Monica taught it’s okay to control specific details of our lives, Ross taught us its okay to embrace our inner nerd, Joey taught us its okay to show our sensitive side, and Chandler taught us its okay to laugh at ourselves.’

Friends has been such a big part of my childhood, and my probably the rest of my life. I look forward to reruns day in and day out.

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