scooby doo 2 the movie media diary week 2

Scooby doo 2 the movie

Scooby doo 2 the movie is a film based on the cartoon series initially aired on cartoon network. It is about a gang of young people who solve mysteries however it contains humor and fun to add to the child target audience (for example, there is a scene about passing wind).

4 c’s model
Using the 4 C’s model by Young and Rubicam, the audience grouping within this classification that this movie is likely to fall under is explorer. This is because it is challenging to watch and throws new surprises to the audiences, such as scares and unexplained and unexpected occurrences bound to make an explorer drawn in. however, I also believe that the audience grouping could be mainstreamers. This is because it is a film (and cartoon) that the majority of young people have watched and become engaged in at some point in their lives, making it popular. Everyone has heard about it therefore can be used as a topic of conversation with a lot of people spoken too. It is familiar to everyone which is the core need of a mainstream audience.

Income and status model
Using the income and status model, the audience classification of which I believe it to fall under is group E. This is because the target audience is children/ young teens. At that age people are in school doing full time education and are not old enough to get a job. They are likely to be living at home or in care of a responsible adult who pays for their everyday needs. Group E is for people who don’t have jobs or are on a very small amount of pay and are likely to be on benefits or still in full time education.

Lifestyle categories
Using lifestyle categories, I believe the audience to be innovators. This is because watching Scooby doo injects peoples minds to think outside the box. It shows loads of possibilities, teaches loads of lessons and encourages people to ‘save the world’ or ‘solve problems in life’. innovators want to make their mark on the world which is what Scooby doo teaches children, and what the aim of the film is.

Audience profiling
Using  audience profiling by Hartley and Fisk, I believe the standard audience member to be a males because of the mystery genre of the film and the male dominated characters. The age of the male would be12 because its not a film for very young children but its too childish to be for the ever maturing teenagers. The child would be living at home with his parents because of his age. He believes himself to be intelligent and good at problem solving because he can related personally to the text (applying his knowledge to the film). His nationality/ ethnicity I would say is white American because of the words used and the style of the film. The boy would be in lower high school (because of his age and the film type) and an atheist/ non believer as the practices within the film would go against a lot of religions beliefs and if he was religious he wouldn’t like it. He wouldn’t be interested in politics because he would be too young to understand or care and he would live in America because he can relate to the people in the film (personal identity).

The movie was mainly targeting children in education who are males and careless about religion or politics. They are people who like facing new challenges as well as following the mainstream for reasons such as social interaction. These children like to make their stand and make their mark on the world (do their bit for society) and they are very low on income due to their age and educational status.

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