Audience Reception Homework

Audience Reception 

The Hypodermic Syringe model
The Inoculation/ Desensitisation Model

The Hypodermic Syringe model- The belief that what you see in Film, Video games or hear in Music, Radio can influence the behaviour of the audience exposed to it e.g. The Lobby scene in the Matrix was said to have influenced the Columbine High School Massacre.

The Inoculation/ Desensitisation Model- The belief that long term exposure to certain media texts will make the audience immune to influence from that given text. e.g. nowadays in the Media we see a lot more texts of a Taboo nature used Loosely because of long term exposure to these kind of texts.

Passive Audience- a passive audience is an audience that is easily manipulated and controlled by what they see in the media for example a programme on the TV may be feeding its audiences a certain ideology and a passive audience will follow and soak up this ideology.
Active Audience- an active audience is an audience who use there own free will and engage with texts for instance the television show X Factor treats its audience as Active because they allow the audience to control what happens within the show.

In some cases i believe violence from media texts can influence its audience to be more violent for example WWE wrestling, each week the WWE wrestlers fight each other in front of millions at home and thousands in the stadiums they perform in, the majority of the audience are the younger generation and so i believe they are more likely to be influenced by what they see in the ring. However i believe more serious violence such as Gun/ Knife violence portrayed in video games such as GTA and Call Of duty etc. do not influence audiences significantly enough for the audience to then go and copy what they have seen.

5. ?

'Space Jam'
I enjoy Space Jam because firstly i personally identify with this text because of its subject matter, its primary subject is Basketball which i am a huge fan of and within the subject of basketball it also uses the greatest basketball player of all time Michael Jordan as its main character. The second reason i personally identify with this text is that the looney tunes characters in the film gives me a nostalgic feeling of my child hood from the memories of growing up watching the Looney Tunes.
Another reason i enjoy Space Jam is because it is a form of escapism and entertainment, you can watch this film whenever and in whatever circumstances as it is a jolly feel good comedy that appeals to all ages, this is why i enjoy it so much.

A preferred reading for this text is you should never give up on your dreams and aspirations and always strive for your best even if you don't believe you can achieve it.
An oppositional reading for this text may be.....

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