Media Dairies- Different audience groups.

There are many different types of audience groups that media producers look at so they know who to will be there target audience. They look at 6 categories of different audience members would fall
into, these 6 categories are based of off peoples occupations or social lives which doesn't give proper evaluation of the audience.

The first group is A, this is mainly upper/middle class people; bankers, lawyers and doctors. Media producers think of these people as being very rich and high in class so 
there products are made to aim towards these people, things like high end fashion magazines which are quite expensive.

The next group of audience members is B, these are mainly middle class people such as teachers and graphic designers etc. The products or texts aimed at thee people wouldn't be to expensive but wouldn't be cheap either.

The next two groups C1 and C2 are lower class and skilled workers such as nurses, plumbers and builders.These people are seen as quite poor so any products aimed towards them are quite cheap 
however, even though they might not be as rich as the other groups it doesn't mean that 
the products or texts aimed for the other groups could appeal to them as well.

The last two groups are group D and E which are the unskilled workers and old pensioners or students these people are in the lowest groups because they are seen as not as 
important or as rich as the other people higher up in the groups. However just because they might not earn anything or not a lot they still could appeal to the products or texts aimed at the other groups.

Overall in my opinion i think that even though it might help and be easier to organise these audience 
members into these groups it doesn't take into account a individuals situation as someone might
of lost their job or someone who won the lottery. Also the group E is too broad as it covers
to many different people at once and also the class system in the 21st century is unclear and
completely different from when this list was made.

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