media Diary: Week 4

Good Girl, Gone Bad
The media that has changed my life was the first ever singer I loved. Rihanna was the first ever person I seen in concert too, back in 2008 in the Echo Arena . When I first heard her back in 2005 I thought nothing of her but only that I liked her catchy song 'Pon de Reply'. After really starting to like her music, my mum and dad got me ticket to go and see her, right here in Liverpool. It is still to this day one of this best concerts I have been to! Before going to see her I received my first ever album of hers 'Good Girl, Gone Bad' Is when I really fell in love with the whole Rihanna persona. After getting her next 3 album and close to getting tickets to her 2013 UK tour. My love for her has only grown over the years. I think I like to listen to her music as it all different. As you can go from listening to a reggae to hip-hop. Finally I think my love of other hip-hop stars have came from my love of her and by listening to her music has introduced me to other types of music such as rap and house, that I wouldn't have probably like otherwise.

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