Media diary week 4

Media diary week 4

Even though that this isn’t my taste in music, one piece of media text that changed my life was listening to Miley Cyrus’ song ‘Robot’. I heard this song for the first time about 2 years ago. I consumed it through being recommended it on YouTube after looking at robots and other funny videos.
When I first consumed it, I didn’t have many opinions, or a mouth to voice them in fact. The song talked about how she is being pushed around and she feels that her life is being controlled and dictated for her. She felt that she has no control over her life. She said in the song that she is human, and she doesn’t want people operating her anymore. This meant that she was declaring that she was not a robot; she was a person and wanted to be treated like one.
The power of the song and its content made me realise how I acted around people and have I let people get the better of me. I use to never speak up for myself. Her initial aim of the song was to get at the pressures of fame controlling her life; however, I interpreted the message into my life and applied it to my current situations.
After listening to the song I thought to myself, that’s not how I want to live my life. I decided that I was going to make my stand. Ever since that message was given to me, I have never looked back. I engaged with the text intellectually because I learnt how to be smarter in myself socially. I learned to stand up for my rights rather than let people push me around.
I also engaged with the song emotionally too. This is because I felt her stress and pain, and related to it. I could feel her emotions were in sync with mine in the duration of the song. It changed my general every day habits because it changed my outlook on life and made me a stronger person.
The impact that this may have on other people is that they should be able to emotionally connect with the singer. This is because it is an emotional song, it should give people confidence to stand up and take control of their own life- not letting others take the lead. My opinions were changed on life because it made me realise the exploitation level that I was receiving which made me want to change who I was, for the good of myself.

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