How do your chosen texts attract their audiences?

Slumdog Millionaire can attract its audeince through the use of it's genre, as genres will have an already existing fan base and due to Slumdog Millionaire being a self acclaimed hybrid genre should ultimately produce a large fan base. It is ultimately a romantic drama but incorporates aspects of Bollywood cinema, this is evident at the end of the movie as there is a Bollywood dance routine. As well as that it incorporates some of the traditional themes that Bollywood films tend to have, that exploring the Mumbai Mafia , rags to riches and other aspects that form Bollywood, cinema ultimately creating a hybrid genre which can sometimes attract a bigger audience.

The underlining themes in the movie help to attract audiences as they are generic of a romantic drama, that being destiny, as it suggests the protagonists are destined to be together which can help create a happy ending which can also help attract audiences, as mainstream audiences like having their expectations met. Ways in which the film can attract audiences that aren't in the mainstream category is by as well as meeting peoples expectations, is by challenging them too, as due to the movie being a hybrid genre it can challenge people's expectations, as due to covering themes such as poverty and the criminal underworld it can create unexpected scenarios and challenge peoples expectations which can ultimately create a good experience for the consumer or a bad one.

Another aspect to attract audiences is the use of star appeal, but even though this film isn't heavily star orientated it does include director Danny Boyle who is known for films such as Trainspotting and 28 Days later, which were major successes so could ultimately attract audiences. There is also actor Dev Patel who could attract younger audiences due to him being casted in Skins.

Due to 20% of the movie's dialogue being in Hindi it can create a fan base in India, which could be a large one due to the population of India, but is also a risk due to it being a less westernised movie as it will be less likely to appeal to a mainstream audience, but due to the traditional love story and themes that a romantic drama portrays ultimately made the movie a success.

The advertising campaign can help attract audiences, as due to there being two main posters it can attract various audience types. One of the posters appeals to the mainstream audience due to it saying ''Feel good film of the decade.'' This promotes ideologies of expectations being met, as mainstreamers don't want to be challenged. The use of bright colours, high key lighting and the protagonists literally smiling helps reinforce the ideology of a generic romantic drama, which can be misleading for consumers, but helps create a bigger box office revenue.

The second poster will appeal more to a more niche audience type, this is due the mysteriousness of it, which is seen through the low key lighting and both protagonists running opposite ways, which creates an enigma code, in which the previous poster basically gives you the ending of the film. By the use of enigma codes being imbedded within the poster it creates a need for the consumer wanting the question to be answered, which will overall draw the consumer to watch the movie. By the poster showing the awards it has won could also persuade audiences to watch the movie, as it gives them a reinsurance that the movie is going to be good. By the award being from a film festival it promotes the ideology that dedicated film fans and critics have took a liking to the film too, which can persuade the most critical consumers to the most mainstream too. 

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