Media Diary- Week 5- Made in Chelsea

This week my favourite reality show made a comeback! Made in Chelsea returned with a bang on Monday night, after a summer in New York City the Chelsea gang were all catching up back home in Chelsea. As always the audiences were given a bit of drama with emotions running high over what went from being a summer fling to a whirlwind permanent romance, a jealous ex and an inner conflict.

If you aren't an MIC fan then you may not understand this part of my diary and you will have no clue who I'm talking about...apologies! So here's a quick summary; Binky, Louise, Lucy and Stevie take a little trip down to Devon to see Andy (who as we know didn't spend the summer in NYC). In Devon it's revealed that Andy is a bit gutted that Louise found true love in NYC with Alik - I mean I can understand she's his ex and Alik's practically his clone! Back in London Spencer is a changed man; no drinking, single, embracing his creative side and a new hair cut of course. Little Sam Thompson hates to admit he thinks he needs to listen to his big sister Louise and get a job so (after a game of tennis of course) gets a job working for Jamie. Final scenes of the first episode probably excited the audience the most; at Spencer's saints and sins party we see Lucy and Proudlock finally make conversation after those 'just friendly' kisses in NYC, an extremely awkward situation for Louise between her new boyfriend and ex, then Mr Mytonn giving Binks the jealous puppy dog eyes as she flirts with new character Will...the personal trainer.

Best bit of the episode would probably have to be seeing Spencer and Andy's bromance slowly growing again in Spencer's flat/ art studio. I honestly never thought I would watch Spencer Matthews painting whilst laughing happily with Andy Jordan. Worst part of the episode, well I loved all of it all I can say is where was Mark Francis?! Mark Francis. He is the funniest character Made in Chelsea will ever have, please give him more scenes E4!

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