Media Diary Week 5

Uses and Gratifications

The first media text that I'm going to analyse using Blumer & Katz' Uses and Gratifications model is the film "Catching Fire" which is the second film of "The Hunger Games" series. In this film we see that a rebellion against the 'Capitol' has begun and the protagonist Katniss Everdeen is a symbol of the revolution therefore meaning she must play a part in it. In the film we see Katniss and Peeta returning to the games for a second year due to President Snow wanting Katniss to die and end the revolution once and for all.

The need that the film foremost fulfills is Escapism and Entertainment. This film features many gripping scenes as we see the tributes fight for their lives in the arena but also facing various problems which keeps the audience entertained and prevents them from loosing interest. As audiences, we begin to learn and engage more with the lives of the characters as well as having our least favourite characters who we're almost forced to dislike, including the 'career' tributes who win the games almost every year. As a result, when seeing these characters that we're engaged with defeat these disliked characters or do something to make them irritated, we feel a sense of victory which also keeps us entertained. 

Another need that could be fulfilled is Personal Identity. Despite us not going into an arena to fight for our lives, we can relate to the protagonists due to them being the same age which also allows us to compare our own lives with the characters. Also we see Katniss having a very close relationship with her younger sister Prim which many young people may relate to. As well as this, Katniss feels as if she must protect her family which again allows some people to relate or compare themselves with. 

Despite the need of Information isn't the films major fulfillment, this need could still be achieved as we learn about the effect of revolution and war. For example we see numerous districts rebel against the Capitol with images of violence and fires, as well as the authority being the Capitol wanting to make an end. The film therefore also provides us with information of the effect of social class as we see many lower districts desperate for food whilst the people of the Capitol have an endless supply of food. It's the Capitol however who find entertainment in seeing these people fight for their lives. 

Finally, the film can also be seen as fulfilling the need of Social Interaction as whilst watching, you can interact and discuss the situations portrayed with the people around you as well as talking about it online on social media sites. Being a popular film, after watching it I found myself discussing it with my friends.

The second media text that I'm going to analyse is the Channel 4 TV show "Gogglebox" which focuses on British couples, families and friends sitting down watching British TV every evening. Throughout the show we see the different opinions and reactions of the people whilst watching TV shows that we all know or may of heard of. 

Again the need that is mostly fulfilled is the need for Entertainment and Escapism. As the shows features the people's reactions, the show is quite humorous therefore providing the audience with entertainment and will make them want to continue watching the show. Also due to us being able to Personally Identify with the people featured, we will find it entertaining due to us being able to relate to their opinions, reactions and everyday lives. We will also be able to Personally Identify with the situations and relationships portrayed. For example seeing a typical British family and hearing their opinions of the show will allow us to relate and agree or disagree with what they have to say.   

As well as this, this show could also fulfill the need of Information due to the show featuring the couples, families etc. watching shows that we may be interested in or haven't heard about. This therefore enables us to discover more shows that we will find interesting but also find out what shows are good and bad.  

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