The Rise of the Right

The Rise of the Right - 

The National Front (NF) was formed in 1967 

The National Front (NF) is a British far-right political party for whites only, opposed to non-white immigration, and committed to a programme of repatriation. While denying accusations of fascism, it has cultivated links with neo-Nazi cells at home and abroad, and the British police and prison services forbid their employees to be members of the party.

Key facts:



  • The cornerstone of the National Front's manifesto since 1974 has been the compulsory repatriation of all non-White immigrants:
"The National Front advocates a total ban on any further non-White immigration into Britain, and the launching of a phased plan of repatriation for all coloured immigrants."

The party saw a surge in members during the 80's due to an influx of immigrants from the West Indies and Pakistan. British people felt threatened due to employment rates increasing and due to the anti-immigrant polices promoted by the party, the National Front became a real issue. Casual racism was considered normal and 

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