Active and Passive Audiences

2) Two theories which are associated with the effects debate are the Hypodermic syringe model and the Two step flow model. The hypodermic syringe model is the theory that the audience receive a 'injection' of media either be negative or positive and in response the audience copy or mimic the actions. To put this into context would be for a audience member to watch a action film full of violence like Rambo and take a positive from it and take part in a heroic act, or as a negative can cause the audience to participate in a violent act. The Two Step flow model by Lazarsfeld, Berelson and Gaudet is the theory that information from a text does not flow straight to the audience but instead is filtered from opinion leaders then communicated to their less active associates who they have influence on. In context a film like Transformers the opinion leader may see it as non violent because the violence is  completely CGI and they may not see it as proper violence where as other associates would see it as violent but would have their opinion changed because they are influenced by the opinion leader.

3) The Passive audience is the idea that an audience respond in a certain way and cannot change the way they react too it and says that the audience are all the same and react in the same way and they are referred to as "sheep" because they follow a opinion leaders reaction towards different texts and take there opinion other than their own, a theory that backs this idea up is the hypodermic syringe model, this backs it up by saying when the media are give a text they are "injected" they react to it the same way as a mass audience and react the way the producers want them too. The Active audience is the idea that a audience has control in which way they react to a text and react in their own independent way and there opinions on a text will not be changed by others as they have their own view on a text, a model which backs this up is the Sensitisation model which is the theory that audiences cannot become immune to certain texts even if they are shown over a long term of exposure, this theory is the idea that audiences can not become immune to texts because they have a choice in they way they react to a text and the choice whether to accept the texts theories and the creator of the texts beliefs.

4) I believe that violence on Television does not cause a audience to participate in violent acts because as humans everyone control their own actions and cannot be controlled by a TV show, but some audiences can be influenced by violent TV shows and can cause audiences to be more likely to take part in violent acts, for example younger children may see their favourite characters taking part in a fight scene and would make them more likely to take part in one because they would look up to the character but also would not understand that violence is wrong because they are only young and would be easily influenced. Also personal experiences would have a effect because if a certain audience member has been used to violence as a upbringing or experience they may see it as a everyday occurrence and would be used to it.

5) Active audience theories are more acceptable than Passive audience theories, this is because the Active audience sounds more realistic because the theory believes audiences can react in different ways to texts depending on their beliefs and experiences where as the Passive theory is the theory that everyone reacts the same way which is unrealistic because everyone has there own opinions and beliefs which would cause them react differently which is the Active theory. Also the audiences upbringing and experiences would effect the way they react to a text in different ways which goes against the Passive theory.

6) The text I have chosen is the popular American TV series "Friends", this is enjoyable because it is a comedy and has a relate able story line. Using the Uses and Gratifications model I would put "Friends" under Escapism and Entertainment but also Personal identity, I would put "Friends" under Escapism and Entertainment because it is a comedy TV show and would use the humour in it to help create a escape from daily life and its problems and help brighten some ones mood. I would also put "Friends" under Personal Identity because the storyline and plot in the series would be good for the audience to compare their own lives and get the characters perspective.

7) The advert I have chosen is the Cravendale milk advert, were the cats develop opossable thumbs, the advert uses humour to engage with the audience by creating a theory of what would happen if cats developed opossable thumbs. preferred reading of this text would be for the audience to see the importance of the milk and to advertise the brand by using the humour in the advert by using CGI cats having opossable thumbs and using them to take over the world by taking everyone's milk, it also creates the idea that of cats were to have that much power their ambition would be to take the milk because it is so important. The opposed reading would be for the audience who would see the advert as too unbelievable and fake and also a bit pointless because it doesn't give information on the benefits of the milk.

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