Media Diary Week 3

The text that I have consumed this week is American Horror Story; The freak show. The show is set in 1952 in Florida about one of the last freak shows in America and their fight for survival. The members of the freak show battle against 'ordinary' people who don't understand them and do anything to keep the business alive.

I think the text would be class B and the target audience would be the explorer as they would like the dark thrill and mystery of the show. The audience would most likely be teenagers and young adults as it would appeal to them more due to the show being popular worldwide and having that spark of something creative and different. 

I think a typical person who would consume this text would be:
Gender: female
Name: Danielle
Age: 16
Family: lives at home, 1 brother, 1 sister
Self image: loves things that are different, loves discovering new texts to consume, see's herself as quite loud, outgoing
Class: B, Middle
Nationality: British
Religion: none

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