There are lots of different types if appeals to consider with lots of different types of media, for example there are lots of appeals in the video game Grand Theft Auto V (GTA). The foremost appeal for GTA is interactivity, and how much you are able to control the characters in the game. For example the fact that you can play with three different characters furthermore allows for more interactivity. The fact you can choose the outcome of the narrative as well as the things you do in the world i.e playing tennis, swimming, going to a comedy club. All these factors really allow for interactivity which is a very important appeal for the audience.
There is also intertextuality in this game in relation to the previous games in the franchise. For example, the character Nikolai from the previous game is mentioned a few time, as well as the fact there is a location from San Andreas. This is important as it reminds us of the texts we like as well as giving us a sense of achievement that we have understood such references.
The intertextuality along with other factors such as the fact lots of the gamers would have played games previously also helps gives a sense of nostalgia, as we are forced to remember the previous games we have played. This nostalgia will also drive the player to complete the game, as they want the storyline to continue from the previous games.
This game along with other sandbox games give off a significant sense of escapism, as it allows you to do pretty much whatever you want. You are able to drive, fly and swim, as well as giving you the choice to be violent or passive, which again is appealing to the audience as it allows the audience to make a conscience choice about what they are doing, furthermore contributing to the sense of interactivity.
GTA also allows for social interaction, as you are able to play online with your friends and other people, which also is appealing as it gives you sense of being a part of a team.
Shaun Of The Dead is also a very interesting in the sense of the appeals it gives, as well as the certain conventions is portrays. It is safe to say that it is unconventional for a zombie film, as it is constantly injected with comedy throughout. This not something we usually see in horror/zombie films, as these usually
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