The next text I will be analysing is the 2006 film Kidulthood, This represents the youth in a similar way to The Young Ones except it positions the youth as more vulnerable, unlike the comedic edge of Vyvvian. However the constructionist approach will still show us that they are constructed to fit in with the ideologies of today's society.That all teenagers are carrying knifes and commiting crimes. The use of symbolic and visual codes are key in this representation. All teenage characters in this film are dressed in hoodies, attire stereotypically associated with "yobs".
The next text I am analysing gives a different representation of teenagers. This is the magazine teen vogue. Using mediation to analyse this text, The two main elements that have gone through the selection process here are the choices regarding the model in the main image and the subject matter of the coverlines. The model is a young, healthy looking girl with feminine looks and a clear complexion. The specific image selected shows her as happy and dressed in a way that does not make her seem independent rather than provocative or too conservative. The coverlines have been selected to emphasise various aspects of a teenager’s life whilst ignoring others. These selection promote a positive view of teenage girls as healthy, happy and independent.
The construction of this cover falls within it’s framing of the main image as well as the choice of words used in the coverlines and the overall layout of the magazine. The image is shot as a medium close- up which draws attention to the model’s smiling face and through composing the shot using the rule of thirds, encourages the audience to make eye contact with the model – making her seem friendly and approachable. The wording of some of the coverlines has a familiar and friendly tone, using shortened versions of celebrity names (Orlando) implies that every teen girl would be interested in actors like Orlando Bloom. The layout of the magazine uses many different fonts and virtually fills the cover, which represents teenage girls as having busy lives, which don’t necessarily require a strict routine or rules.
The clear focus of this magazine cover is an interest in fashion and clothes. Nearly all of the coverlines reference something that can be connected with advice on what to wear or how to look. This focus represents teenage girls as predominantly concerned with their appearance and how to look as stylish as possible.
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