As a mainstream Hollywood film, however, Minority Report relies upon having a handsome, white, athletic, heterosexual male actor to play the central, heroic role. While Cruise’s character might be alone and masking his grief with designer drugs, he remains fit and agile, even jogging in the rain to visit his dealer! Quite a contrast with the chain-smoking anti-heroes who populated the crime stories of Chandler and Hammett. In terms of gender representation it is worth noting too that Agatha, a latter day oracle or prophetess, fits into an historical pattern which depicts the women or girl as ultra sensitive, visionary. Throughout the film Agatha is clothed in white, connoting purity and innocence. Gender representations in Minority Reportremain, then, rather conventional.
Traditional representations of men and women in the film industry and the modern noir genre. ) 

“Each suburban wife struggles with it alone. As she made the beds, shopped for groceries, matched slipcover material, ate peanut butter sandwiches with her children, chauffeured Cub Scouts and Brownies, lay beside her husband at night- she was afraid to ask even of herself the silent question-- 'Is this all?” 
― Betty FriedanThe Feminine Mystique 
What women are expected to do and how they behave.

Cultural commentator Natalie Haynes takes a slightly different view. There's something absurd bout having half-naked women displayed around news stories , she argues. 'I find it so odd and perplexing. I'm almost not offended by it. I'm all in favour of people eyeballing nudity.
How women view representations of their gender in the media.

Neither does it mean that acting like Christian Grey is the only way for a man to be attractive to women. But it does hint that the idea of someone who is older, richer and more powerful, and who forcefully and painfully exerts his physical dominance, has become the totemic sexual fantasy for women in 2014.
The represtation of men and the reality of the appeal of the 50 Shades characters.

Most of us are familiar with the word grotesque as an adjective. We are likely to say that green hair, for instance, is grotesque becuase we can't classify it: it is both funny and strangely threatening. 
Idea of everyone being the same, having 'the look' and not straying from that with individualism. 
Sexuality, the Female gaze and the arts.

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