Engagement and the Documentary By Anne Fischel

"Documentaries awaken desires not just for information but for insight, understanding and intimacy," - this quote is perfect, and a perfect example of this that i will look at is the US office, as we get insight and understanding into the lives off every individual in he office, and we also share the intimacy that they share with one another and associate with the characters more than just a normal T.V show. this is through the use off documentary conventions, that gives it reality, and makes the actors feel as though they are actual people like us.

"You photograph the natural life, but you also, by your own juxtaposition of detail, create an interpretation of it." - this is alot like the quote that Scorsece made in my previous post, but shorter and sweeter. basically this is mediation! you try to keep it to the truth, but you always in the end make your own interpretation of a certain topic or person. Example I shall use for this is spinal tap.

"The documentary film maker is is defined as an outsider, a stranger seeking entry into someone else's world" - just thought it was an interesting quote, and it's self explanatory.

"In making documentaries, film makers must observe events and make some sense of of them. they move from observation (gathering information or data) to description, formulating a coherent narrative structure to convey what they have observed. - This is very useful, and that last couple of words round up what a documentary is perfectly. she is basically stating that even a documentary, something which is used mainly for information, has to have narrative to make sense.

They organize that information, integrating and synthesising it into a coherent picture of the world.

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