
Portrays police as heroes, 'help dying man'.

'portrays police work as dramatic and dangerous, appealing to the public's need for heroes'

This article shows the more negative side of police, and talks about police corruption. However the Daily Mail is a left wing newspaper, and the government was right wing during this time, therefore this could have political influence.                                                                                                            

'the media could turn on the police at any time, to easily make them look bad'

Again showing what the police are willing to do to protect themselves, however again it is a left wing newspaper.

Once again shows corruption in the police, as well as demonstrating the extreme lengths the police are willing to go in order to retain the positive image they have. 

Gives a positive representation of the police despite the fact it was incorrect. 'brave cops', fans 'beat up PC giving kiss of life'. does everything to give positive representation of police. The Sun is a very right wing newspaper, and the government was itself right wing, therefore this could be a factor. 

'he who has a bigger stick has a better chance of imposing his definitions of reality'

Shows that not all police are heroes, and are themselves capable of horrific things.

'all too familiar archetype in American society of the young black male who faces inexcusable police brutality because of the colour of his skin'

Shows the brutality. 'shot six times', 'bullets not from close range'. This goes against the idea that the police are brave by giving an opposite representation.

'the larger trend of police officers harassing, incarcerating, and fatally shooting black Americans'

Shows a more positive and heroic side the police. 'Saved baby's life'.

'the most part, the media tries to make the police look good'

Shows the brutality that often occurs with the police. Goes against the archetype of police saving lives, they ignore the cries of 'I can't breathe'.
Stereotypical black criminal may play a part in the force of the police.

'stereotypes that are deeply rooted in our society'


'Only occasionally is the hero-worship broken with documentaries about police violence, police racism, police sexism'

'True-live car chase shows maintain a glamour of lights, sirens, and crashes'

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