Media Diary Week 2, Free Choise

Name of media text: Snapchat.

Date/time: Every day, 4pm-11pm with breaks.
Where did you find this media text?: I found this media text no the internet and also on Apple app store.
Genre: Social media.
What is the purpose of this media: The purpose of Snapchat is to communicate with friends through pictures and also to be updated on certain type of news such as, Cosmopolitan, national geographic, MTV, sky sports etc.
Production of the text: Apple app store and the internet.
Target audience: The target audience for Snapchat is young teens through to early/mid twenties as it is communicating through 'selfies' and that is something that will appeal to the younger generation more than the older generation of consumers.
Your reaction to the text: My reaction to the text is that I think it is very well thought out as everyone loves to update people on what they are doing and everyone loves to communicate through pictures as it is just a new way of talking to people and having a laugh. I really like Snapchat as I think it keeps me in contact with my friends and lets me know what they are doing in a new type of way.
Why would people consume this media text: I think people would consume this media text as they want to communicate with other people and something that no other social media has is it lets people document the now and then as it is happening as Facebook you have to write a status or post a video the next day whereas on Snapchat you can post it the minute it happens.
Could people react in different ways to the text? If so how?: Yes of course some people could as they may not like to be on social media as much as I do and they may not like taking pictures of themselves in that moment in time, but that is the same as all media texts there are some people that like to use it and others that just don't enjoy them as much as I do. In addition to this people in the older generation may not find this type of social media beneficial as they may just prefer to text somebody other than take a picture of themselves and send it. There is also the fact people have personal preferences and their own opinion and attitudes that aren't the same as my view of this media text.


Name of media text: Tumblr.

Date/time: Weekends, around 8pm-11pm with breaks.
Where did you find this media text?: I found this media text through the internet and twitter.
Genre: Personal blog.
What is the purpose of this media?: The purpose of this media text is to post a blog about anything you like and update it regularly.
Production of the text: Internet and through other social media sights.
Target Audience: I think the target audience for Tumblr would be mid teens early twenties as you can post anything about yourself or about your life and or even celebrities.
Your reaction to the text: I really enjoy using Tumblr as you can see what people like and who their favourite celebrities are and even re-blog things that you want to be on your own blog, in addition to this I like using Tumblr as it is very different form all other social media and its not all about being popular its just about posting things you like.
Why would people consume this media text: I think people would consume this media text as it is all about them its not about how many followers you have or anything as nobody is able to see your amount of followers on the sight. Tumblr is also very easy to use and is a very resent app that a lot of people have started to use.
Could people react in different ways to the text? If so how?: I think people could react different to this type of media as not everyone wants the world to know about their life and their likes and dislikes which is perfectly normal. In addition to this people may just not enjoy posing a blog and doing that with their time, but also they may not have the time for that. There is also the fact that people like to keep their private life private and do not want to be apart of social media.

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