NSPPC Abuse Advertisements Analysis

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The advertisement contains a medium close-up framing of 2 coat hangers in top middle of the image in a pink room, with several heart stickers placed on the wall. Hung on the first hook is what appears to be a school tie; on the second hook, a strung up mask imitating the almost robotic, subtle smile of a girl, who's age could range from 11-15. The bold text "If you've been sexually abused, you don't have to hide it anymore."

The heart shaped hooks connotates that before she walks out into the public eye, she must mould to the social conception of a schoolgirl, stereotyped as a innocent, loving and conformative; whilst still clinging to preferences of youth, such as the heart stickers and pink painted walls, which also associate with the outside social expectations of girls in their youth. The school tie, hints at the NSPCC's intended target audience, inferring it is not only aimed at the victims of sexual abuse, but those they interact with, such as fellow pupils, parents and teachers- appealing to their need to nurture once they discover school is almost a completely other life this girl needs to front with a "masked" smile. Another encoded meaning of the tie is that people of responsibility work with young people, many of whom do not emphasise with youth potentially as much as they should. The fact that that the mask is hung up shows her life is seemingly on a hook with no sense of comfort; and she may be on the brink of emotionally snapping, resulting in a dark consequence, which may be encoded on the heavy shadowing behind the mask, with another connotation of her social persona being the only thing intervening between her "dark secret" of being a sexual abuse victim. The facial expression is intelligently specific, as the enhancement of blue within her eyes, and dry smile, appear forced; and the more they are looked at: a doll-like cry for help, entrapped within a lie she craves to escape: thus appealing to the escaper and struggler of Young and Rubicams 4Cs. The language included in the footer of the image opens the target audience to the actual victims, with a more direct, personal approach with several uses of the word "you". The text is also appropriately sensitive as it is very  patient towards the potential victim with instances such as "If" and "you don't have to hide it any more"- along with "when you're ready,". With this compassionate approach, the NSPCC come across as very compassionate and understanding of the taboo of sexual assault, and how a "social mask" is worn by victims to literally hide deeper emotions and inner turmoil. 

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This advertisement's content shows the extreme close-up frame of a black, teenage (15-18) girl, with her physical features such as eyes and nose, distinct and dominant within the picture- helped by the intensely exposing lighting on one half of her face, which arguably emphasises how subdued the lips are made to appear by  green  mute symbol covering them. White, contrasting text at the bottom of the image reads "When you can't talk about abuse, talk to us."A small paragraph then follow, then returning to the bold white text of above "Talking helps it stop. FULL STOP." leading to the NSPCC logo.

The extreme close up angle and framing conotes

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