Media Diary Week 4

Media Diary Week 4                            Lewis Pinnington


Text: Jamie Oliver 15 Minute Meals


Why: I know this is only small and silly but here it is. Jamie Oliver opened a pepper by pushing the stalk inwards then pulling it out, this meant he got all of the seeds out without any mess and didn’t use a knife. I have seen this method and since then I have always used it, I know it’s only small but it has literally changed my life in some way.


How it affected me: Upon witnessing this media text I was shocked that I never figured this out myself, but happy that I stumbled across it. At the time this affected me immediately as I shown my granddad the method and it still affects me today as I used the method whenever handling peppers.


How it could affect other people: Other people may not think anything of the random pepper fact that I learnt, and would just ignore it and forget about it. However the small percentage of strange people in the world like me may take on this information and attempt to replicate it as I did.


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