Approaches to textual analysis of advertising

Approaches to textual analysis of advertising


The Irn Bru advert is humours and because of this it stays memorable to the viewer, the audience is likely to speak to friends about the advert and tell them to watch it because of the humour the advert has, because of this it can attract a wider audience to buy their product since they will find the humour amusing and believe that Irn Bru will release more humour in their adverts if it proves to be successful. Irn Bru’s slogan being ‘Irn Bru gets you through makes the developers of the advert be able to input humour into all of the adverts they develop. To conclude using humour can be very effective in adverts since adverts which are humours are likely to go viral and be shared all over the internet, even if some people who watch the advert don’t like the brand they will still be likely to share the advert to friends which still benefits them even if that viewer didn’t even think about buying the product they still pass on information. The target audience for humour in advertisement would be the struggler, the ideologies encoded from the advert producers is that Irn Bru makes everything better which is something which the struggler needs in life


Nikes slogan being ‘just do it’ is a memorable slogan which is known by most of the people who know about the brand is great because slogans remain in the memory a long while after you have watched the advertisement, because of this it is effective using repetition since even if the audience doesn’t remember the brand the audience will likely still remember the slogan. Successful brands use slogans since it brings awareness to their business and if one can remember the slogan, which is likely then they are most likely going to remember the brand name or/and logo. To conclude using repetition can be very effective in adverts since it brings a memorable factor to the brand and by doing so the audience is likely to check out the brand to see how good it is.

Shock tactics

Anti-smoking adverts usually use shocking tactics to stop the audience from either smoking or even start up smoking, it is usually really effective since it shows the damage smoking can do to you and because of this it usually forces those who aren’t to heavily addicted to smoking to stop. Shocking tactics in adverts are good because it is usually memorable and since you remember how bad smoking can be the advert serves its purpose and is effective. To conclude using shock tactics is effective since the audience being shocked by the advert is going to remember it and the advert even as a good chance of going viral depending how shocking it is made out which is very effective since it improves the number of people who are going to view the advert. The NHS anti smoking ad implies that you smoking as a parent is the equivalent to strangling your child, not all of the harmful poisons in the smoke is visible and you are putting the poisons into the child's body, because of this advert it makes parents want to stop smoking because they might not of realised before how much they are harming their child and the shock tactic from this helps so effectively to make them either not  be able to watch the advert without feeling awful about themselves which will make them stop smoking over time or instantly try to stop smoking.


Since one of the basic human needs and one of the most effective persuasive tools is sex; sex being used in adverts is likely going to make the audience watch it, because of this the audience is more likely to watch the advert instead of ignoring it. An advert as an example of this could be the Armani advert with David and Victoria Beckham having their bodies exposed, because of this it makes the majority of the people who even glance at it drawled in to inspect the advert.

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