Media Diary - Week 3

Within the past week I have identified a media text that, in my opinion, consists of group classification D/E. Group D are people who are working class but don't have that much skill within the work society and who are however "manual workers" and group E consists of the lowest level of income which involve people that are; unemployed, students, pensioners and casual workers.

The media text that I identified was a TV programme that is very popular,Coronation Street.Coronation Street is a TV programme that on during the evening so these type of people that categorised into these groups have no worry about missing them due to the fact they are either working for a couple of hours a day, at school/college or just at home all day. I think this TV programme is categorised into these groups, D/E, because it is on during the evening which is more or less when people have their dinner when they get in from school e.c.t. In addition to this, the characters are more or less the same due to the fact most of them are old pensioners, students or adults who have a casual working job - such as taxi drivers, bar maids and cafe workers. The characters all symbolise this categories because they all have enough spare time to go to the pub and socialise, rather than working all day everyday, they have the time to "catch up" with the gossip and socialise with one another within the Rovers Pub. However, some characters within the TV show may symbolise higher categories - B - because there are a firm of men that work for a brick company and work hard all day, which may influence the audience to think they are in with the B categories which consists of middle class/creative people. In addition to this, Carla - the boss of the underwear factor - may be represented as in the B categories due to the fact she is so high up within her work place.

However overall, this TV programme is mainly focused on people who are unemployed, a student, a pensioner or just a causal worker that works part time for example.

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