Media Diary Week 5, Uses And Gratification.

One of the media texts I consumed over the weekend was the film 'Toy Story 3'. This relates most to the escapism aspect of uses and gratification as it is a form of escape from everyday pressures as it is about toys having their own lives and talking which is complete fiction and imagination. This will be good for the escapism as the text can transport the consumer into a land of fiction as everyone knows that toys can't think, walk and talk at their own free will. This movie can be targeted to anyone at any age, it is obvious that it is mostly targeted for children but it is a family film meaning adults with children can watch and relate to each part of the film. This film is also entertaining as there are a lot of idiotic and humours things that the toys do such as the toys believing they can fly and Ken and Barbie living together as a couple. In addition to this it makes people wonder did their toys do that and did their yous come alive when they weren't being played with and makes people wonder what their toys did if they did come alive, this shows that the toy lets your imagination go wild.

Also everyone has had a toy and or toys that they love and wish they were real, this links to personal experience. 'Toy Story 3' has a large connection to personal identity as everyone can relate to having toys no matter what age they are and they can also have personal experiences that the film targets such as losing your favourite toy and having to give toys away. The story line is also relatable as the toys are new to a nursery and children can relate to the toys as there is always a personal experience to when you are a child and you start nursery or school and you are new and that is exactly what the toys experience themselves, in addition to this the older generation that watch this movie such as late teens can relate to the fact of going away for school and having to leave a lot of old memories behind as Andy in the film has to donate all this toys as he is moving away for college so he is leaving a lot of his childhood behind so that he can grow and change. Another issue that this movie tackles is feeling alone but always having friends which is why it is such a family friendly movie as it always has a happy ending.

This movie helps with social interaction because it is the type of movie that you watch with family and you can discuss the film with others. The movie is also so huge that most people have seen it so you can talk to everyone about it and due to it being the third film made you can discuss the other two films as well. This film doesn't give any information about the world as it is mainly for entertainment and escapism as it is a family friendly film.

Another media text I consumed over the weekend was the TV programme  'The X Factor'.
This show doesn't not have much escapism however it does include a lot of entertainment as the performances themselves are enjoyable for others, this includes the good performances and the humiliating and embarrassing ones. In addition to this the judges themselves provide entertainment through humour and how harsh they are to some contestants. Another reason this TV show is so entertaining is the fact that there has been so many other TV shows made due to this one like 'Britains got talent' and 'the voice' so when 'the X Factor' does finish there are other shows that come on shortly after so there is always a talent contest taking place, also the fact it is a competition gives it that reality show feel as the contestants argue and bicker giving people something to talk about.

'The X Factor' contributes a lot to social interaction as it is always trending on twitter about favourite performances and which judge should get which category, there is also the app that you can download where you become the 5th judge so it allows the viewer to interact with the show and become apart of it, also during the live shows the viewer can call up and save their favourite act so this show has a lot of interaction factors with it. These factors help as it gives people something to talk about after the weekend is over and everyone is back in work and school. This links to information and surveillance as although the programme does not inform us about what is going on in the world it tells us about what is going on in the music industry as when celebrities perform on the show they promote their new albums and tours. In addition to this the show becomes news itself as it appears in newspaper and if you don't watch it then you miss out as everyone talks about it and discusses who their favourite is and who performed the best in the show.

During the show people can also personally identify themselves with  the contestants due to the so stories if they have experienced things like the contestant has such as losing a family member or performing for a family member because that is what they wanted them to do. Plus the idea that everyone on the show has this dream to become a star and everyone watching can relate to that as everybody has dreams and goals they wish to achieve and the consumers will want the contestants to reach their goals. Another thing the consumers can personally identify with themselves is if they have the same view point as the judges and they have their own favourite judge and they can see where the judges are coming from when they give their view point about a contestant as they might agree with them and like who they put through to the next stage of the contest.

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