Media Homework

Media Homework

The difference between active and passive is that active people like to venture out and try new things. Active people are the people that aren’t afraid to show their opinions. Passive people are more afraid to show their opinions and they don’t like to venture out much so don’t tend to share their opinions. An example of active people are explorer people because they like a range of things but like change. An example of passive people is mainstream because they like to just follow the crowd and not venture out of their comfort zones.

Violence in the media in my opinion hasn’t affected the behaviour in people at all. Adults just say this because they want to blame something for their picture of the youth. This is a load of nonsense. Violence is caused by the person’s childhood and the way they were brought up. The violence in the media I fake and always will be so why would this influence someone. If someone was to watch Rocky, they then wouldn’t run out and punch someone and say I win it just doesn’t happen so don’t think that violence in the media has gone far at all.

Active audience theories are more believable than passive theories in my opinion because you can’t go anywhere and not find someone’s opinion on something. Active people are the ones that always share their opinion on things because they are not afraid to so it is more believable because there is too much evidence. If you go online or read a magazine you are guaranteed to find someone’s opinion on something whether that’s what you came for or not. This is the evidence to support the active people theory so it is believable.

Coronation Street is tailored to its audience because it its target audience is families and it is a show based entirely around family life. The show knows its target population so it tailors to suit them. If the show was for families and didn’t include things for families, then it wouldn’t work as well and they wouldn’t get their target population watching. This programme uses the uses and gratifications theory to know its target population and what they want out of the show.

Top Gear Magazine Skoda Advert

The preferred reading for this advert would be either car lovers or someone looking to buy a new car because it is in a car magazine. This advert is targeting people looking to buy a new car but can be oppositional because of car lovers. Car lovers may want to look at this advert because they can and because they love cars. The target audience is new car buyers but it can be taken over by car lovers so can have an oppositional reading.

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