Name of text : grand theft auto V

Audience classification for gta 5:

The audience to this text it everyone now, everyone plays gta because it is a great pass time, and it allows you to do anything you want, unlike the real world and thats why people play this game because you can literally do anything you want, this is way people in the mainstream category like it so much they know exactly what there getting and enjoy doing that, they understand what they get when buying this game so they understand the is no risk in doing so, on the other hand this piece of text would also be enjoyed by people in the explore category, this is because you can do everything you want in this game, and so much more, after the story is complete or even before then you can free roam around this virtual world, explore the 1000 of miles all around los santos, therefore it would appeal to the explorer because the it a lot to  do in this giant virtual world and you can do exactly what you want. this text would appeal to the aspirer as well, because as well as the story the is an online mode where you can play with other player and compete against them to get money, and the aspirer wants to be better then every body else, they want to have the highest level, the most money and the fastest cars, this mode would be allow them to do this because, they can play to get the best things with there friends or against there friends, they would be able to know that they where the best out of everyone and they would also be able to show the random people all the cars they have the apartments they have, they would be able to show them self off giving them self more of a name in the gta universe. The kind of people who play this game will want the best things straight away this it so they can look better than everybody else and this is also hard to do, so the people who mostly play online would be described as cowboys, the one who want to make money, as easily and fast as possible and they will do anything to get in missions, races, even take down bounties set on peoples heads just to get a couple of thousands of dollars.

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