Narrative: Slumdog Millionaire

Propps character types are used in Slumdog Millionaire. Latika is the princess character she is seen as a prize to be won by Jamal. Jamal is the hero whose purpose is to go on a quest and win the princess.
 Slumdog Millionaire’s non-linear structure and multiple story lines may make the audience believe it is something new and different. Even though Todorov’s stages of narrative aren’t in order they can still be applied to Slumdog Millionaire. The narrative follows 3 storylines through the use of flashbacks and flash forwards.  The narrative is conventional however the films editing suggests otherwise. Narrative is restricted as we only see what Jamal has witnessed through the use of flashbacks and flash forwards. This gives the impression that the flashbacks are for character development but they are really apart of the plot. At first the plot can seem confusing, although it were a puzzle to be solved except after the first flashback the audience can understand what’s going on and maybe even what the film will lead too.

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