passive and active audiences

1. The two theories which are associated with the effects debate are the desensitisation model and the sensitisation model. The desensitisation model is a long term theory which suggests to the audience that is given exposure to a genre or a media message. As an example of this is that an audience member who gets exposed to a lot of shocking texts in media they would no longer act the same way to that genre of text. In the sensitisation model is the opposite of the desensitisation model, the sensitisation model suggests that the audience when consuming this text instead of becoming immune to it instead it would make the audience more aware. for an example if someone was shown something shocking in a media text they will be more shocked and be aware of the consequences it has on peoples lives.

2. A passive audience suggests that the audience is mindless and will take in the media text how the producers want them to. This also suggests that the audience will respond to the media without being able to change their opinion. With a passive audience it imply's that the audience will all have the same respond since they are seen as a group of people and not individuals, the thing with a passive audience is that the producers don't realise that all individuals have different likes and dislikes and they can all see things in different ways.

A active audience suggests that the audience all has their own desires and opinions with the media text and cannot be controlled by the producers. This is the complete opposite to a passive audience since an active audience reception suggests that every audience member is an individual and they can have and share their opinions which can be changed by the knowledge others give them.

3.I believe that violence in media text such as movies and television series causes the audience to become violent is a uneducated opinion. People have common sense to think for themselves, the media text doesn't control you. A audience member who watches a violent film or television series could react in several ways by the content, this doesn't mean they are controlled by the producers of the film/program, if the audience member is a violent person in general they are going to commit to violence at some point even if they aren't consuming a violent media text.

4. I believe that the active audience theory is more valid than the passive audience theory, this is because with the active audience theory it takes into consideration that in the audience they are are all individuals with different personalities and needs. With the passive audience theory they ignore this and believe the audience will all consume media in the same way, they see the audience as one persons personality and needs put into multiple people.I don't believe this is true because I have different opinions than other people on types of media text, because of this I believe that active audience is the more acceptable theory.

5. The use of gratifications theory is an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs. A particular media text i enjoy is 'Prison Break' using the gratifications model to explain why i enjoy this program I would say that i enjoy it for escape and entertainment since the drama which takes place in prison break is intense which makes me want to carry on watching this amazing series. I would also say that the humour used in this program allows me to relax.

6. A)
Is an anti-smoking advert to raise awareness that smoking around children is noticed by them and smoking around them will eventually end up with them picking up smoking. The advert makes the parents in the audience feel the need to nurture their children which makes them want to stop smoking. A preferred reading of this advert is to consider that firstly, that smoking around children is an awful thing to put a child through and will change their life negatively.

B) Using the same text, the oppositional reading firstly the mother in the image seems to not care that her child is there and this makes the child seem neglected, this is biased since the parents who smoke neglect their children but smoking doesn't mean that the parent would neglect their child. The quote 'someday she will be like you' is also biased to an extent, just because a parent smokes that doesn't have a conclusion of  the child of being addicted to.

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