Reception Theory - Elle Magazine

This is the cover of Elle magazine featuring Katy Perry which was released September 2012. Elle would appel to an aspirer target audience as their core need in life is for status and this is the perfect magazine that can get them a high social status. The aspirer is more interested in style over substance so the pretty cover will appeal to them more than what is inside and the content of the magazine, this magazine represents that perfectly as Katy looks fashionable and outgoing. This magazine is also good because it is one of the biggest fashion magazines world wide which will appela to the aspirer as they will see that it will teach them tip and trick of how to look the best and be up to date with the latest trends. In addition to this due to the pop of colour it will drag the aspirer in because they will be drawn to how vibrant it is and the cover lines will pop out to them making them buy it for all the latest trends and how to be the best.

The encoders within this magazine have clearly wanted to appeal to people who are all about fashion, makeup and the newest looks and trends. "OUR BIGGEST FASION ISSUE OF THE YEAR" this signifies that fashion is important and people should buy the magazine as this is the newest and lates guide to fashion, in addition to this the whole magazine screams fashion and beauty to the target audience "600+ pages of the best desses, jackets, ideas, SHOES & BAGS" this signifies that all fashion is important and having the right appearance goes along way so people should strive to look good on a daily basis. This also gives the idea that shoes and bags are the most important fashion accessory as this is in bold on the magazine and its for any person that hopes to be popular and noticed. Elle magazine gives the impression that a celebrity is a big deal as Katy Perry represents looking good and fashion very well. There are also cover lines such as "step-by-step guide to the best skin of your life" this signifies that the first step to beauty is having flawless skin and Elle magazine can help with that by teaching you step by step how to improve it, "runway beauty tricks easy, sexy hair, new makeup & more" this also tells us the the magazine will update us on how to look the best and be at the top of the social ladder. This also givs the idea what other people think of you matters and you don't want people to think of you in a negative way so you should improve how you look so there is aways a positive comment from others.
Overall the encoders of this magazine really want to convey the fact that fashion is the most important thing and people should try and make their appearance better as its the first thing people notice and its important to make a good first impression. In addition to this putting Katy Perry on the cover will appeal to people and these are all the things she stands for because she is always seen in the latest clothes and fashion which represents high social status which is what the consumer may think they will get if they buy and read the magazine. The main ideology of this magazine is that it wants to portray looking good and appearance and all the cover lines enhance that fact.

An oppositional reading to Elle magazine would be that appearance and fashion is not the most important thing in life and it is better to be other things such as; kind, intelligent, etc rather than only care for how you look and what other people think of you. "Step-by-step guide to the best skin of your life" someone who would take an oppositional reading to this may see it as you should be confident in yourself and not want to change how you look because that is you, in addition to this they might think nobody is perfect and nobody will every be perfect and there are more important things to do with your life than than trying to have the best skin. "The real secret to better sex" somebody could see this and question why it is put on a fashion magazine and not see why sex will improve your life or benefit you in any way, this may also be rejected as people should be happy with themselves and not need tips from a magazine to improve life whatsoever as they should find their own ways that make them happy and not rely on editors and writers of a magazine to help them out. A persons cultural experience may make them dismiss "runway beauty tricks" as they might have been bullied in their life over their looks and only just became confident within themselves and they might see t as the magazine is trying to change them into the perfect ideology of that female would look like and thats not the case as they just want to be themselves and might not want to conform to the stereotype of that that magazine deems as beautiful as they might now see themselves and beautiful and not want to change.

A negotiated reading of this magazine would be if a teenager was reading the magazine alone they would see nothing of it as it is only harmless whereas if they were infront of parents they might feel as if it isn't the right time and place to read the magazine dueto one of the cover lines being "the real secret to better sex" the parents might feel it is an inappropriate magazine for their child to read therefore the teen would tend to read it with friends or alone as there might be some risky things inside the magazine which could get the wrong view of the magazine. Another negotiated reading would be if a person was reading the magazine while with friends and the friend they are with disliked Katy Perry which would prevent the person from enjoying the magazine like they usually would.

For the uses and gratification model "Katy Perry on breaking up and moving on" this relates to the personal identity of the uses and gratification model as it is a relatable story line that most people that read the magazine will have experienced so they can identify their own personal experiences with that story. "OUR BIGGEST FASHION ISSUE OF THE YEAR" this relates to information aspect as it shows that it is the biggest and best magazine for fashion around, however it does not have anything relating to information going on in the world. This magazine has a lot of social interaction involved as it includes a website on the front cover and it is the type of media you would consume with others such as friends because it is the type of thing you read and show your friends different sections of the magazine. Also because it is such a big fashion magazine people would talk about it to others and discuss the latest trends. The magazine doesn't have a large escapism aspect, however the magazine itself is entertaining as through reading it people will be entertained.

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