Reception Theory

Kings Of Summer

                        Target Audience
The target audience of this text would be people of  younger age, maybe of an adolescent age. They may also fit into the categories of the 'Innovators', the 'Egoists' and the 'Succeeder'. These would be the target audience as they all search for the key themes in this film.

Preferred Reading
The encoders of this text want the decoders of the text to take the message that everybody needs their freedom, everybody wants something of their own especially teenagers. This film aims to tell their audience that teenagers act the way they do due to the fact they're mature but have nothing to call their own, they want to be in control and make their mark on the world.
The film celebrates the capabilities of teenagers as long as they put their mind to it and that everybody needs a little bit of independence and freedom. It also celebrates the fact that teenagers are very confused and need time to figure themselves out, they're crazy but they're generally harmless.
This film teaches us that although us (the target audience) teenagers need a lot more help than we think, and that the people in our lives are there to help us rather than hold us back. We should respect those who care about us even though we may not see the true purpose in why they do things and that everything takes time so just slow down and let things happen but also make thing happen for yourself.

Oppositional Reading
The oppositional reading of this text would be that the person may not think that teenagers act they way they do because they want freedom and independence but in fact they act the way they do because they're selfish or maybe its just down to science and their hormones. The oppositional reading may also be that teenagers don't need freedom and independence so much and they need to be in school getting ready for working and getting an education. Someone who believes this oppositional reading may be from a culture in the middle east were younger people don't have so much freedom because they have to attend school or be working, they don't really have the time to express themselves as much. Or maybe the person may be from a different generation and they were brought up to be thrown straight into work after school so they didn't have time to express themselves or find freedom so they don't believe young people in the modern generation should either.

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