Text 1: BBC advert for forthcoming coverage

This advert burst onto our screens in the months leading up to the games. Winning the rights to broadcasting the actual events, it was no surprise that the BBC were amongst the games' biggest champions...

1 comment:

  1. The BBC advert for its own coverage of the 2012 Olympics is incredibly powerful and uplifting in its tone. It achieves this through a combination of visual and technical codes that aim to make the audience inspired and excited for the games’ arrival. The animated scenes are used to emphasise the extraordinary abilities of the athletes. The characters depict physical feats that would be impossible for human actors to achieve which reinforces the connotations that Olympians are in some way superhuman. The use of unusual and extreme camera angles combine with fast paced editing to heighten the drama of these scenes, as does the orchestral, choral soundtrack; which is both epic and stirring.
    Overall it is clear that the encoders want their audience to see the Olympics as something historically significant, exciting and awe inspiring for everyone.


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