1. The advert I have used for this question is Money Supermarket.The character in the advert has supposedly saved money on his car insurance and to portray his happiness, he does a confident walk through busy areas in shorts that are made for girls! this is very humorous as the situation seems awkward but leads to the good awkward side as people will enjoy watching the advert as it is a surprise because this is not what is expected to be seen in the advert. this advert is taken to exaggeration as most people save money on their car insurance and don't walk around dancing to the Spice Girls! This is another way how humour is used as the song is catchy and completely doesn't match the man so this makes the audience laugh or joke about him and entertains the audience. the happiness of the man gives the audience the feeling that by using this service we will become much more happier so it attracts our attention. the music played is a clever trick as it is a very well known song so every time the audience would hear it in the future they would be automatically reminded of the advert.
The target audience for this advert would be the Mainstreamer or in fact the Succeeder in some cases from the Young & Rubicams 4C model. the ideologies encoded in the advert are that men also have the ability to have as much confidence as women. it suggests that because women are the majority of dancers that it doesn't mean men cannot do it and it gives a suggestion that women are equally the same when it comes to driving. the encoder is trying to make a fair point that women and men should be treated equally. it appeals to the Mainstreamer as a lot of the population do ave cars and do want to spend money so this is familiar to their life so by getting this advice they feel comfortable and like they have security from others. However, I would say that it also appeals to the audience as the man who is acting in the advert gives off the suggestion that he has already saved money so this is what the succeeder wants to be made sure of.

2. A slogan that constantly sticks out to me is the McDonald's famous slogan 'i'm lovin it'. the slogan might seem to simple to some people but I think it is such a clever way to advertise the product. The two words have such meaning regarding other things than just the service. For example, the sound of love is portrayed in the slogan and this gives an immediate opinion to the audience that the service is popular and has positive reviews. the audience are then thought to think that there is a strong relationship between McDonald's to have this word embedded beneath the saying. Also, the slogan has its own theme tune therefore it is catchy and easy to remember so the brand is always recognised. the slogan offers a positive ideology that life should be about being positive and loving everything you have, that this is fulfilling your need to become more independent. the word 'it' refers back to personal identity as everybody has an 'it' in their life and this can be achieved if you want to achieve it, it all depends on whether you are willing enough. When the slogan is presented in print form, it has white copy, a red background and the famous yellow 'M' surrounding the copy. as the copy is in white it suggests that it is important as I believe the connotations of the colour white is importance.

3. The advert I am next going to discuss is the recent Haribo advert. this advert was seemed shocking to me as I get the impression that the older generation are being criticised for their intelligence. The characters in the advert are grown adults but when they talk they have children's voices and their conversations are simple like a child's conversation with one another. I think adults would take offence to this as their is a suggestion that even though their age and how they dress they aren't all intellectual and I believe this to be considered as demeaning. this creates a representation that the older generation are 'dumb' or stupid' compared to the generation now and it promotes that people need to start getting taught better otherwise they will have a negative impact for the future. If we look closer to the advert, it positions the audience in a way to worry and not feel comfortable as their learning and careers are currently being affect as this is what they could turn out like. It also suggests that the audience cannot help as the damage to intelligence has already been done. Overall , this is shocking as although people do not look at the advert being insulting, the ideologies that come across can be negative from this advert.

4. The advert I have chosen is the M&S women's fashion advert. this uses the stereotype that women are lazy and get men to do everything for them as the ladies in the advert are walking around looking very appealing but behind them is a man holding all their bags and it shows the women lying on the beds that have just been made. This suggests that women only care about how they look and that it pleases everybody as it is scenes shown them changing outfit to what others prefer. This gives the impression that when it comes to fashion they don't care about others.

5. The advert I have chosen for this question is Cog. Cog is a very clever advert and uses so many different ways to attract the audiences attention. In this advert intertextuality is used as the way and movement the car is created is done carefully and this allows the audience to have the feeling of notalygn as it reminds us of the childhood game mouse trap as all the pieces fit together but there are tricks that help them come together. this represents that the most common things take dedication and also that the unique things are always the better things. The effect of the advert is positive as it allows the audience to think about happy times in the past in their childhood and gives them a sense of gratefulness that they had things to do with their families that they can remember.

6. The advert I have chosen for this question is the Garnier advert which Holly Willoughby features in. The choice of this advert has a good impact on the product itself as the audience she is seen to have such lovely hair which is what the product is all about. Holly is a famous for presenting and has been on shows such as Good Morning and Celebrity Juice so she covers a wide range. Holly is seen to be a stunning looking girl and also to have a kind heart and we know this through the way she handles interviews on previous show such as Good Morning. This is more than likely to appeal to the ladies in the audience as she is well known and popular so they want to be similar to her. Her prettiness emphasises how the person will feel when using this product whilst watching the advertisement. She is seen to be a role model for middle aged people so the audience will become engaged when they see her on the advert.

7. The advert I have chosen for this question is the Clinique advert. the advert is very effective from the moment it starts as it opens with an rhetorical question which is 'Want a more even skin tone?' which suggests that immediately their skin care routine and be improved and their skin can become better. The advert suggests that a reward is being giving if you buy the product as the result will make your skin better which makes the audience feel more positive and confident about themselves. In the advert, statistics are given and this makes the audience feel more engaged as they get the impression that the product will make their skin feel better. Throughout the advert the word 'skin' is repeated a lot and a lot of people suffer from being self conscience or insecure about their skin and by hearing the word over and over again it makes them pay attention to what needs that they want to be fulfilled. In addition, there is a tagline which says 'Even better make-up' which suggests to women that their whole face and how they present themselves will improve and this is what women want to achieve as appearance is important to them and women and often feel insecure about it. therefore, this advert reassures that they are here to help and provide the support what they need.
However, this advert does punish its audience as it suggests by not buying this product that they simply don't have an even skin tone or they cannot improve their make-up and appearance. this can have a negative opinion on women as it implies that women should want to look perfect and to do this they need to change the way they take care of their own skin care. This advert does reward and punish the audience but the things said and statistics made can have a forcing effect on some people which can prevent people from buying the product.

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